Unreachable Installation

I’m using Home Assisstant for a while now already. I have it running 24 hours a day from a Raspberry PI 3b and using the Haaska integration (connection via DNS instead of local IP) for a while and without problems. I use this to integrate Alexa, so I can controll everything by voice commands too.

I use 2 diffrent user accounts on the same configuration. One admin account to configure everything and one useraccount that is used on several wall tablets, so others can not get into my config.

This week suddenly voice commands were not reaponding annymore. And I was not able to login into my admin config annymore. So I thought the RPI just needed a reboot.
Strange enough, the configuration was still responding on the other account on my wall interfaces.
But after a reboot there was no responce at all annymore.

So I thought something in the configuration got corrupted. And started to reinstall everything.
I formatted the SD card (Kingston 16GB Class 10) and reflashed the latest rpi Hassio image.

Then I was able to reach the RPI again using the local IP ofcourse.
After install the connection of my Smart plugs seems to be broken, normall because it’s settings are missing in the HA config and therfore “broken”.
Then I loaded my latest backup config via Samba and tried to get it back.

I tried to install it with an without the Home Assisstant config option. And with the “restore selected” and te “wipe & restore” option.
But it seems there is no way of reaching the configuration after this annymore in anny way. Still the green LED of the PI flashes.

I cannot reach the configuration annymore by entering the local IP annymore ofcourse. It should be reached now by the DNS adres from this point. But this is also not working.
It seems the smart plugs are connected again after uploading the backupfile, since the LED’s stopped flashing, which means they’re connected again in my case and somehow find the configuration of HA?

Annyone knows a sollution for this?