Unrecognized presence sensor

Hi I have bought this sensor (Moes Light and Human Presence Sensor 5.8GHz ZSS-QY-HP Zigbee compatibility), but it was not correctly recognised by ZHA. I do not see any entities. Also please notice that it has been identified as TS0601from _TZE200_jva8ink8 but it should be TS0601 | _TZE200_ikvncluo | _TZE200_wukb7rhc | _TZE200_holel4dk based on the page above. Could someone advice me what should I do, this sensor should be supported.

What is in there?


There are just these two entities:

Any advice here please?

I have found that zha-device-handlers/zhaquirks/tuya/ts0601_motion.py should be the correct quirk, how can I use it?

Ok, I got the sensor working. I have downloaded the zha-device-handlers/zhaquirks/tuya/ts0601_motion.py file and updated this part

class MmwRadarMotion(CustomDevice):
    """Millimeter wave occupancy sensor."""

    signature = {
        #  endpoint=1, profile=260, device_type=81, device_version=1,
        #  input_clusters=[0, 4, 5, 61184], output_clusters=[25, 10]
        MODELS_INFO: [
            ("_TZE200_ar0slwnd", "TS0601"),
            ("_TZE200_sfiy5tfs", "TS0601"),
            ("_TZE200_mrf6vtua", "TS0601"),
            ("_TZE200_ztc6ggyl", "TS0601"),
            ("_TZE204_ztc6ggyl", "TS0601"),
            ("_TZE200_wukb7rhc", "TS0601"),
            ("_TZE200_jva8ink8", "TS0601"),
        ENDPOINTS: {
            1: {
                PROFILE_ID: zha.PROFILE_ID,
                DEVICE_TYPE: zha.DeviceType.SMART_PLUG,
                INPUT_CLUSTERS: [
                OUTPUT_CLUSTERS: [Time.cluster_id, Ota.cluster_id],

by adding following line ("_TZE200_jva8ink8", "TS0601"),

Than I placed this file to /config/custom_zha_quirks and added following lines to configuration.yaml

  custom_quirks_path: /config/custom_zha_quirks/

I will try to get this change to ZHA repo so next time this would not be necessary for the sensor.

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Same problem wih zigbee2mqtt, anyone any ideas?

Same answer as above, basically. You’re gonna need a custom quirk, called an external converter in Z2mqtt.

You can either create your own or raise an issue in the Z2mqtt GitHub as a new device support & providing the requested details.

Thanks for responding, I am confused.
Moes Light and Human Presence Sensor 5.8GHz ZSS-QY-HP Zigbee compatibility says z2m supports it but my HA isn’t.

Yeah, because Tuya keep changing the model id for the same device so each one needs to be added to the custom quirk.

Scroll up to the post where it lists all the _TZE200 models. Those are all variants of the same device.

If you check your model in Z2MQTT & compare it to which models are actually supported in Z2MQTT GitHub, you’ll see that your model is missing & needs to be added.

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I downloaded and edited the quirk file, put it in the right place. I also added the line to the configuration.yaml file as instructed. I restarted Home Assistant. I deleted the device and added it back but no change.

What can I provide to help with another line which needs to be added? Sorry, I’m at a loss and sorry for replying to an old thread.

Any help would be appreciated
