Unrecognized tuya soil sensor

Hi there, looking for a bit of help as I exeded my knowledge
I have Home Assistant with tuya integration .
All is already set up and I have couple of devices I can control without issue. Today I added new zigbee soil sensor to my tuya and wanted to use it for some automation in HA.
However even though I can see it in devices ( as it’s connected with my gateway ) . It does not have any entities in HA.

If I download diagnostic , it has humidity , temperature, and battery values , but those are unavailable. I tried to manually add sensors, but can’t refer that device . Presuming I have its id from core.device_registry , is there any chance to somehow add it to HA ?

I have external Moes zigbee gateway but it’s the one connected to tuya account . I don’t have any cordinator , and if possible want to configure it using current setup ( already has bunch of devices on that gateway etc, some automation and my HA is not exposed outside of my LAN )

I was thinking about last resort to maybe there is a way to add and grab those arguments for this soil using rest ( as I do have clientID and secret ) but don’t even know how to start , how to authenticate with tuya api , and refresh token if it expires :confused:

Diagnostics content below :

  "home_assistant": {
    "installation_type": "Home Assistant Container",
    "version": "2022.10.2",
    "dev": false,
    "hassio": false,
    "virtualenv": false,
    "python_version": "3.10.5",
    "docker": true,
    "arch": "aarch64",
    "timezone": "Europe/Warsaw",
    "os_name": "Linux",
    "os_version": "4.4.192-rockchip64",
    "run_as_root": true
  "custom_components": {
    "localtuya": {
      "version": "5.0.0",
      "requirements": []
    "hacs": {
      "version": "1.28.3",
      "requirements": [
  "integration_manifest": {
    "domain": "tuya",
    "name": "Tuya",
    "documentation": "https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/tuya",
    "requirements": [
    "dependencies": [
    "codeowners": [
    "config_flow": true,
    "iot_class": "cloud_push",
    "loggers": [
    "is_built_in": true
  "data": {
    "endpoint": "https://openapi.tuyaeu.com",
    "auth_type": 0,
    "country_code": "48",
    "app_type": "smartlife",
    "mqtt_connected": true,
    "disabled_by": null,
    "disabled_polling": false,
    "name": "Czujnik Wilgoci Inspekt",
    "model": "QT-07S-Zigbee",
    "category": "zwjcy",
    "product_id": "myd45weu",
    "product_name": "Soil sensor",
    "online": true,
    "sub": true,
    "time_zone": "+02:00",
    "active_time": "2024-06-06T15:44:01+00:00",
    "create_time": "2024-06-06T15:44:01+00:00",
    "update_time": "2024-06-06T15:44:28+00:00",
    "function": {
      "temp_unit_convert": {
        "type": "Enum",
        "value": {
          "range": [
    "status_range": {
      "humidity": {
        "type": "Integer",
        "value": {
          "unit": "%",
          "min": 0,
          "max": 100,
          "scale": 0,
          "step": 1
      "temp_current": {
        "type": "Integer",
        "value": {
          "unit": "\u2103",
          "min": -30,
          "max": 70,
          "scale": 0,
          "step": 1
      "temp_unit_convert": {
        "type": "Enum",
        "value": {
          "range": [
      "battery_state": {
        "type": "Enum",
        "value": {
          "range": [
      "battery_percentage": {
        "type": "Integer",
        "value": {
          "unit": "%",
          "min": 0,
          "max": 100,
          "scale": 0,
          "step": 1
    "status": {
      "humidity": 84,
      "temp_current": 23,
      "temp_unit_convert": "c",
      "battery_state": "high",
      "battery_percentage": 90
    "home_assistant": {
      "name": "Czujnik Wilgoci Inspekt",
      "name_by_user": null,
      "disabled": false,
      "disabled_by": null,
      "entities": []


        "area_id": null,
        "config_entries": [
        "configuration_url": null,
        "connections": [],
        "disabled_by": null,
        "entry_type": null,
        "hw_version": null,
        "id": "REDACTED",
        "identifiers": [
        "manufacturer": "Tuya",
        "model": "Soil sensor (unsupported)",
        "name_by_user": null,
        "name": "Czujnik Wilgoci Inspekt",
        "sw_version": null,
        "via_device_id": null

Hi, probably not your model of the Zigbee soil sensor but I’ve managed to onboard my Zigbee Soil Sensor https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007016626219.html using Zigbee2MQTT Edge (not sure when it will be available in the Zigbee2MQTT). So someone added a Zigbee herdsman converter for my device, Check out the changelog at https://github.com/Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters/blob/24b804634ff9dffab38bbe22b4bd7424588a4a94/CHANGELOG.md to see whether your device is already supported. If so then I would recommend using Zigbee2MQTT. I originally used ZHA but had the same issue and it needed a quirk. Zigbee2MQTT was quicker with the converter so I switched over. Hope this helps.

Suggest you submit a device support request to discuss that under issues in the ZHA Device Handlers (also known as zha-quirk) repository on GitHub → https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha#how-to-add-support-for-new-and-unsupported-deviceshttps://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues

Also related info here: