Unsupported operand str and str

I am trying to figure out to round up by quarters


{% set charge_time = (4 * (('number.tesla_ten_wolde_charge_limit' - 'sensor.tesla_ten_wolde_battery') / 0.16) | round(1, "ceil") / 4) | float %}


TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'str'

Entity states are always strings: and you can’t subtract strings. However, you’re not even referencing the entities, but trying to subtract one name from the other.

You need to use these in your calculations:




I show 100 as the default for the second one as it’s being used as a denominator: if the sensor is unavailable, you don’t want a dvide-by-zero error.

You also don’t need the float at the end of your calculation: by the time you get there, you already have a numeric value.

Thank you for the suggestions. I am a novel. What goes wrong here?

Error rendering data template: ValueError: Template error: float got invalid input ‘23:00’ when rendering template

{% set charge_time = 4 * ((states('number.tesla_ten_wolde_charge_limit')|float(0) - states('sensor.tesla_ten_wolde_battery')|float(100)) / 0.16) | round(1, "ceil") / 4 %} {% from 'cheapest_energy_hours.jinja' import cheapest_energy_hours %} {% set today = cheapest_energy_hours('sensor.nordpool', time_format='time24', start="14:00", end="13:00", include_tomorrow=true ) %} {% set price_today = (cheapest_energy_hours('sensor.nordpool', time_format='time24', start="14:00", end="13:00", include_tomorrow=true) | float) | round(2) %} Begin tijd: {{ today }} (€ {{ "{:.2f}".format(price_today) }})

but no default was specified

Please use line breaks to make your templates more readable.

{% set charge_time = 4 * ((states('number.tesla_ten_wolde_charge_limit')|float(0) - states('sensor.tesla_ten_wolde_battery')|float(100)) / 0.16) | round(1, "ceil") / 4 %}
{% from 'cheapest_energy_hours.jinja' import cheapest_energy_hours %}
{% set today = cheapest_energy_hours('sensor.nordpool', time_format='time24', start="14:00", end="13:00", include_tomorrow=true ) %}
{% set price_today = (cheapest_energy_hours('sensor.nordpool', time_format='time24', start="14:00", end="13:00", include_tomorrow=true) | float) | round(2) %}

Begin tijd: {{ today }} (€ {{ "{:.2f}".format(price_today) }})

You need to look at the docs for the cheapest energy macro. Your error is almost certainly coming from this line (wrapped for even better readability):

{% set price_today =
      | float) | round(2)

I’d suggest cheapest_energy_hours is not returning a number, but a time or list of times — looks from the error like it’s returning 23:00. The template editor is complaining that float can’t convert that to a number.

You’ll have to take that time and look up the corresponding price in sensor.nordpool: if you can paste the output as formatted code from this template, we can help with that:

{% set charge_time = 4 * ((states('number.tesla_ten_wolde_charge_limit')|float(0) - states('sensor.tesla_ten_wolde_battery')|float(100)) / 0.16) | round(1, "ceil") / 4 %}
{% from 'cheapest_energy_hours.jinja' import cheapest_energy_hours %}
{% set today = cheapest_energy_hours('sensor.nordpool', time_format='time24', start="14:00", end="13:00", include_tomorrow=true ) %}
{{ today }}

{{ states.sensor.nordpool }}