I am trying to use the GUI Automation Panel in HA but it keeps saying “Unsupported platform: sun” when selecting “sun” as the Trigger Type.
This sensor is in my config file
Track the sun
And is appearing and tracking the sun in HA so i’m not sure why this is saying I cannot use it, can someone advise why this is happening?
If I create the automation in my config file manually will it run even though the GUI is saying its unsupported?
Sorry; next time don’t use quoting - select the code and press this button:
This way it is apparent that you are referring to code and not quoting a section of a doc or something.
Keep in mind that the Automations GUI is brand new and there are still a number of bugs. Have you tried creating the automation manually by editing the YAML directly and seeing if you get the same error?
Assuming you are seeing sun.sun in your dev states panel - which would indicate the sun platform is loaded - I think you want to use switch.turn_on instead of homeassistant.turn_on like in this example I use to turn on a light for the cat:
Start with this, replacing my light with yours and see if it validates. Then add the offset and check again. At that point you should be able to add in the delay, and see if that works.
I am getting the same - I believe that the ‘time’ component was changed in how it needs to be addressed in automations although I dont see that in the documentation.