Untracked energy consumption alongside individual device monitoring

I love the ability to see untracked energy consumption as a breakdown in the stacked bar graph but would like to be able to see it in the “monitor individual devices” section (perhaps as a toggle option) to see the overall consumption compared to individual devices.

The individual device section is great for comparing devices but not in context of the full energy consumption, and likewise the “individual devices detail usage” gives a good hourly/weekly view but the stacked nature of the graph makes it hard to see what the overall consumption is like.

To give some further details, I have made some changes to my NAS device to reduce consumption, I can see in the stacked view a lower energy consumption hour to hour and day to day, but I can’t see how big an impact this change has had on the overall energy used by the house.

To summarise, I’d like untracked consumption to be a “device”, possibly toggled, in the individual device monitoring graph in the energy section.

For most people, untracked is much more than tracked, so it would definitely need to be a toggle, or it would render the scaling useless for many people and you would not be able to see the devices with little usage. For me it would also need to remember default off.

You can select this week in the date selection and then get the total daily untracked consumption as a workaround