I have turned off “discovery” as I only want to display 3 of the 4 chromecasts I have on the LAN.
Then I created a group listing only the Chromecasts that I wish to display on HA homepage.
However unwanted ones (ones that are on the LAN but I dont want to view on HA) still show up!
Is there a way of only showing specific Chromecasts ?
note: the “unwanted” chromecasts are just ones that I dont want to have show up on HA.
they’re on the LAN working away fine but I dont use these myself so dont want to monitor them.
Hi, you should make a default_view group which will only show the items you want to display on initial load-up. See the first example here: https://home-assistant.io/components/group/. Include the chromecast group you made in that group.
I’ll try that again with creating the “tabs” for default views and other stuff…
But I guess the “unwanted” chromcasts will still show up on the other tab.
With default_view only the items you put in that group will be displayed. With other tabs, only the items you put in those groups will be displayed. So you shouldn’t see this 4th chromecast anymore once you do this.
To cgtobi’s point you also might aswell turn off tracking for your chromecast too since it will probably never move.