Unwanted Trigger

I have a fan controlled by a switch through the TUYA integration. It is triggering on and off by something and I can’t find what is triggering it. I get this:

Utility Closet Fan Switch turned on triggered by action Home Assistant Core Integration: Generic turn on

There are no automations being triggered. Where do I look for this trigger Home Assistant Core Integration: Generic turn on?.

I think it’s a generic hygrostat or generic thermostat.

Generic turn on is action: homeassistant.turn_on

There must be a script or automation somewhere with that line, try doing a search in you scripts.yaml and automations.yaml

Do you have any blueprints? They use homeassistant.turn_on a lot. If you have, try disabling them to see if it makes any difference.

Nothing in my automations.yaml and my scripts.yaml is empty

I do have one blueprint but nothing associated to that switch

I created a Generic Thermostat Helper that controlled the switch.

I had left the Minimum and Maximum Temperature fields empty as it said they were optional

and added the temperature I wanted (80°F) to be in the presets window.

I have now added 80°F to the Minimum Target Temperature field to see if that solves it.

This helper is the only thing that controls this switch