Up and down buttons not showing for a Tuya shutter switch

I have two Tuya shutter switches (via the Tuya platform, running stock firmware). They have an up, stop and down button. The switches show fine and automation can control them without issue.

The problem I have is that as they are stateless, I can’t open or close them from the interface, the up and down buttons are greyed out.

I’ve added a position of 50 in the configuration.yaml as I found on other threads covering this, but despite the file being checked as valid, the buttons remain grey - is there anything else I can try or something I missed on the entry?

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Patio Door"
        position_template: "50"


This has been reported many times (please use the forum search).

Update to the latest version for the fix. 0.109.3

Thanks Tom, I had searched, but didn’t see the thread on the release notes, only information on the template.

I got unlucky in that I only built the install up on Thursday, so just got in the window of the bug. I’ll update later and check it again.