UPB lighting

My production system (old laptop) is equipped with a Simply Automated CIM UMC-USB. It is running Home Assistant Supervised on Debian.

My test system (RPI3) is equipped the same way. It also uses Debian because, at the time, the operating system in Home Assistant OS didn’t have the required driver to support the USB version of the CIM (there’s a discussion about it within this thread). Perhaps that changed in the latest version of Home Assistant OS but I have not tested it.

Which installation method was used for your Raspberry Pi? Home Assistant OS or something else?

I used Home Assistant OS on my raspberry pi.

In that case, it would appear that its operating system now includes the necessary driver to detect the PIM-U and, at the very least, allow the UPB integration to successfully transmit commands. What is subject to debate is whether it is able to successfully receive commands.

An interesting experiment would be to activate a UPB link (a.k.a. scene) and check if the UPB integration receives it using Developer Tools > Events > Listen to events.

Click ‘Start listening’ then activate/deactivate a UPB scene (can be done in UPstart) and you should see events reporting the link number and other information. If you don’t then nothing was received from the PIM-U and suggests the driver might be the culprit.

Let us know what, if any, results you get.

How many devices do you have, as I only see timeouts for 5 devices? Are some devices not timing out?

I agree, it appears writing to the PIM works and reading does not. Don’t know why.

Around 25 devices currently. They were all timing out. Just snapped that error at the beginning.

For those joining this game late, and being puzzled by the lack of /dev/ttyUSB0 device when plugging in the Simply Automated UMC-USB-W into the Home Assistant OS – this is because it’s missing the usb serial module for cypress_m8, which this device uses. So far I have not been able to figure out how to work around this.

Is there a way to change device type from light to switch or fan? I have read the entire thread. I see this was mentioned but I do think it was resolved. Thanks.

Not sure but I’m guessing you would have to create a template. I have a fan that appears as a light light.upb_bathroom_fan. In the GUI I just changed the icon next to the switch to a fan icon. For other projects (not UPB) I have used fan template but that’s much more involved.

Check out Devices and Services. Click Helpers. Add helper. Choose switch.

Does that help?

I know this is 2 1/2 years late but I got the HA UPB integration to work with the PIM-IP. The short answer is to disable authentication by unchecking the “Enable User Logins” on the PIM-IP.

I own a PCS PulseWorx UPB Powerline Interface Module IP (PIM-IP). I use it to run Upstart and configure my lights from my Windows PC over the net. I got HA running and decided to try the UPB integration, but I got a “Could not Connect” error. After reading this thread I noticed there was a connection problem due to the PIM-IP requiring authentication. So here is how to fix the authentication problem:

–Using your browser go to the URL of the PIM-IP and login to the web UI using “root”.
This is the user with configuration privileges.
–Go to Configuration, Users
–uncheck "Enable User Login

That’s it! When you go back to the HA UPB integration and configure the TCP address and file name it will connect and bring up your lights.

BTW, you can not use Upstart unless you disable the HA UPB integration first.

I only see an option to create a helper that converts a switch to something else. Not to convert a light to a switch or a fan. I resolved my issue by inserting the device code in yaml for the blueprint I was trying to utilize.

On another issue it seems a core OS update may have changed the usb device IDs. Any idea how to change the serial port the PIM is connected to after the initial configuration?

I am seeing the same behavior as travis4710 in Aug '21 earlier in this thread. I see the following logs : 2024-04-29 18:42:41.130 WARNING (MainThread) [upb_lib.upb] Timeout communicating with PIM, is it connected?
2024-04-29 18:42:51.131 WARNING (MainThread) [upb_lib.upb] Timeout communicating with UPB device ‘Living Room Appliance3’ (2_6_0)
2024-04-29 18:43:01.134 WARNING (MainThread) [upb_lib.upb] Timeout communicating with UPB device ‘Outside Appliance7’ (2_7_0)
I have two PIMs that are both HAI 36A00-1 and they exhibit the same behavior in Home Assistant in both Message mode and Pulse mode. I previously used this same PIM in OpenHab and it was able to get the status. I am using the Home Assistant Raspberry PI image on a Raspberry PI 5 with a serial Hat. Since someone mentioned using PIM UMC-DB9-W I will purchase it and see if I have the same result

Do you use the HAI PIM for programming the switches through UPStart?

My only guess at this point is that the pinouts for the serial connector are wrong. Perhaps Rx and Tx are crossed?

Yes, I use the same PIM in Upstart to configure the devices. I can send commands from Home Assistant and the device turns on and off. Home Assistant just can’t read UPB signals from the PIM. I had an extra serial cable so I replaced it and I still have the same result.

Here is a post from a while back where others are using the HAI PIM and are debugging their serial problems. Maybe there’s a hint in the post that will give a clue: https://cocoontech.com/threads/hai-upb-pim-upstart-connection.33350/

One suggestion I did see in there that might be good to try is to see if you can get a terminal program to read and write to the PIM.

I’m only taking stabs in the dark here… may something around the baud rate, parity, etc?? But you can write to the PIM which doesn’t make sense if the baud rate is wrong.

Is there a way you can see the serial setting when using UPStart? I’m assuming a Windows box, which appears you can get the serial settings (I googled “Windows get serial port baud rate”). I’d try it but don’t have a Windows machine handy.

I ordered the PIM with model number UMC-DB9-W and it came in today. I hooked it up to the Raspberry PI 5 and I still have the same error messages. I also ssh into the OS and made sure that everyone can use the serial device by running command chmod 777 /dev/AMA0. I am running the latest version Core 2024.5.2

That’s what I’m using for my PIM.

I’m using this cable (or similar) to connect the PIM to my HA box.


Thank you, Glenn. Based on your post I remembered I had a usb serial cable and I hooked it up and it is working like it should. For your reference, this is the link to the Serial HAT that wasn’t working for me : Serial HAT (RS232)

Does anyone have experience connecting the UPB PulseWorx Gateway? It is the upgraded version of the PIM-IP?