Upcoming Media Card (Sonarr)

2 questions.

  1. Is it possible to adjust the date that the upcoming media card is using to pull the info? I’d like it to show the calendar starting from 3 days ago. It’s no good to me if I look at it on friday, and a good show aired on thursday… would like to know what I should be checking for in the TV library.

  2. I can’t seem to adjust the “line4_color” value. Anything Obvious that I’m doing wrong? it works perfectly on the other lines.

type: 'custom:upcoming-media-card'
entity: sensor.sonarr_upcoming_media
title_size: medium
line1_size: medium
line2_size: small
line3_size: small
line4_size: small
text_shadows: false
image_style: fanart
title_color: '#cFFFFF'
line1_color: '#dddddd'
line2_color: '#aaaaaa'
line3_color: '#aaaaaa'
line4_color: '#777777'
line1_text: $episode
line2_text: $day  @ $time
line3_text: $studio - $runtime
line4_text: $number

Thanks in advance. Absolutely loving this card and it’s clean look (love the fanart option!)

Is this card still working?

It’s repository is archived but it still works for me as of 2022.7.7

The plex_upcoming_media integration seems to have broken… I’m not currently aware of any alternatives