Upcoming Prayer (Islam)

Hi everyone,

I have been struggling for a week to make a sensor to show which prayer is next.

example of the result I would like to have:

I even tried with two time of timestamps:

The input is comping form a rest API. I try do fix it with a code but I am doing something wrong. Can anyone help me out?

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Next Prayer"
        value_template: >
          {% set fajr_time = states('sensor.fajr_readable') %}
          {% set dhuhr_time = states('sensor.dhuhr_readable') %}
          {% set asr_time = states('sensor.asr_readable') %}
          {% set maghrib_time = states('sensor.maghrib_readable') %}
          {% set isha_time = states('sensor.isha_readable') %}
          {% set current_time = now().strftime('%H:%M') %}
          {% set current_datetime = strptime(current_time, '%H:%M') %}
          {% set events = [fajr_time, dhuhr_time, asr_time, maghrib_time, isha_time] %}
          {% set valid_events = events | select('regex_match', '^\d{2}:\d{2}$') | list %}
          {% if valid_events %}
            {% set valid_events_datetimes = valid_events | map('strptime', '%H:%M') | list %}
            {{ valid_events_datetimes | select('>', current_datetime) | min }}
          {% else %}
            "No upcoming events"
          {% endif %}
        icon_template: mdi:clock-time-four-outline

I think your sensor times are in a good format

Mine look like this as I want to play the adhaan too

Let me try to recreate what you’re trying to achieve :crossed_fingers: or :vulcan_salute:

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regex_match is not a valid test for select, you would use match.

But I would set the whole template up a bit differently to take advantage of Jinja’s filters:

{% set s_list = ['sensor.fajr_readable', 'sensor.dhuhr_readable', 'sensor.asr_readable', 'sensor.maghrib_readable', 'sensor.isha_readable'] %}

{% set upcoming_events = expand(s_list | select('has_value')) 
| selectattr('state', 'ge', now().strftime('%H:%M'))
| list %}

{% if upcoming_events %}
  {% set first = upcoming_events | sort(attribute='state') | first %}
  {{ first.attributes.friendly_name }} at {{first.state}}
{% else %}
  "No upcoming events"
{% endif %}
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It’s the ugliest thing I’ve ever written as I’m no jinga expert

but it works

  {% if fajr_time > now().strftime("%H:%M") %}
  Fajr : {{ fajr_time }}
  {% elif dhuhr_time > now().strftime("%H:%M") %}
  Dhuhr : {{ dhuhr_time }}
  {% elif asr_time > now().strftime("%H:%M") %}
  Asr : {{ asr_time }}
  {% elif maghrib_time > now().strftime("%H:%M") %}
  Maghrib : {{ maghrib_time }}
  {% elif isha_time > now().strftime("%H:%M") %}
  Isha : {{ isha_time }}
  {% else %}
  No upcoming events
  {% endif %}
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Thank you so much!

Sorry some double code because struggling with next prayer :wink:

    - resource: http://api.aladhan.com/timingsByCity?city=Amsterdam&country=Netherlands&method=3
      scan_interval: 43200
        - name: "Imsak"
          unique_id: imsak
          value_template: "{{ today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Imsak']) }}"
          device_class: timestamp
          icon: mdi:mosque
        - name: "imsak_readable"
          unique_id: imsak_readable
          value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Imsak'])) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}"
          icon: mdi:mosque    

        - name: "Fajr"
          unique_id: fajr
          value_template: "{{ today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Fajr']) }}"
          device_class: timestamp
          icon: mdi:mosque
        - name: "fajr_readable"
          unique_id: fajr_readable
          value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Fajr'])) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}"
          icon: mdi:mosque 

        - name: "Dhuhr"
          unique_id: dhuhr
          value_template: "{{ today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Dhuhr']) }}"
          device_class: timestamp
          icon: mdi:mosque
        - name: "dhuhr_readable"
          unique_id: dhuhr_readable
          value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Dhuhr'])) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}"
          icon: mdi:mosque   
        - name: "Asr"
          unique_id: asr
          value_template: "{{ today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Asr']) }}"
          device_class: timestamp
          icon: mdi:mosque
        - name: "asr_readable"
          unique_id: asr_readable
          value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Asr'])) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}"
          icon: mdi:mosque   

        - name: "Maghrib"
          unique_id: maghrib
          value_template: "{{ today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Maghrib']) }}"
          device_class: timestamp
          icon: mdi:mosque
        - name: "maghrib_readable"
          unique_id: maghrib_readable
          value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Maghrib'])) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}"
          icon: mdi:mosque   

        - name: "Isha"
          unique_id: isha
          value_template: "{{ today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Isha']) }}"
          device_class: timestamp
          icon: mdi:mosque
        - name: "Isha_readable"
          unique_id: isha_readable
          value_template: "{{ as_timestamp(today_at(value_json['data']['timings']['Isha'])) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}"
          icon: mdi:mosque   

        - name: "Hijri"
          unique_id: hijri
          value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['date']['hijri']['date'] }}"
          icon: mdi:mosque

        - name: "Weekday"
          unique_id: weekday
          value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['date']['hijri']['day'] }}"
          icon: mdi:mosque

        - name: "Month"
          unique_id: month
          value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['date']['hijri']['month']['en'] }}"
          icon: mdi:mosque

        - name: "Islam_Year"
          unique_id: islam_year
          value_template: "{{ value_json['data']['date']['hijri']['year'] }}"
          icon: mdi:mosque
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Out of curiosity, isn’t this integration any good to you?

I think you should play to see if it calculates the prayer times correctly

Personally I scrape the local mosques website for the times

I prefer separate sensors for times (and not all times😉) and the problem is we don’t have much local masjid in the Netherlands. only 900.000 Muslims of the 17.900.000.


Well the integration does create separate sensors it’s not the same as the one in created

Worth testing, I don’t use it at the moment I just have it installed to play with

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Me also wanna make an integration so you can play adhan for example on speakers. I personally play it because you will never hear it outside.

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Yeah for my use case - I wrote everything myself but when searching the community I found that there’s an integration as posted before

and also this blueprint to play the azaan which requires the integration… I’ve not tested them but worth experimenting rather than coding

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Will look in that too, thanks for sharing! Now time to rest for suhur :wink:

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Assalamu Alaikum

I am not very good at templates but I tried this and get a long result.

I put this in to a template card and it shows the same result. How can I get it show just the upcoming prayer name and time as the op showed in his card? Any help appreciated.

   - platform: template
          friendly_name: "Next Prayer"
          value_template: >
              {% set s_list = {'sensor.fajr': 'Fajr', 'sensor.dhuhr': 'Dhuhr', 'sensor.asr': 'Asr', 'sensor.maghrib': 'Maghrib', 'sensor.isha': 'Isha'} %}
              {% set local_time = now().timestamp() %}
              {% set upcoming_events = expand(s_list.keys() | select('has_value')) 
              | selectattr('state', 'ge', (local_time)|timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', False))
              | list %}
              {% if upcoming_events %}
                {% set first = upcoming_events | sort(attribute='state') | first %}
                {% set time_difference = (as_timestamp(first.state) - local_time) / 60 %}
                {% if time_difference < 60 %}
                  {{ s_list[first.entity_id] }} in {{ time_difference | round(0) }} minutes
                {% elif time_difference_minutes == 1 %}
                     1 minute
                {% else %}
                  {{ as_timestamp(first.state) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }} ({{ s_list[first.entity_id] }})
                {% endif %}
              {% else %}
                No upcoming prayer
              {% endif %}
          icon_template: mdi:skip-next-circle

Made it more compact

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Thanks i will try this

I got it working

I would like to change the format to same as your card, "Asr in x minutes’ or ‘Asr at hh:mm’. Could you help?

Guys i have issue with next prayer time. I am using restfull api to get the prayer times and is working very fine.

When i put next on my sensor, i get unavailable. What i am doing wrong here? I add here 2 configs but same result both.

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Next Prayer
        icon_template: mdi:star-crescent
        value_template: >
          {% if as_timestamp(now()) > as_timestamp(states('sensor.imsak')) and as_timestamp(now()) < as_timestamp(states('sensor.ogle')) %}
            {{ states('sensor.ogle') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%I:%M') }}
          {%  elif as_timestamp(now()) > as_timestamp(states('sensor.ogle')) and as_timestamp(now()) < as_timestamp(states('sensor.ikindi')) %}
            {{ states('sensor.ikindi') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%I:%M') }}
          {%  elif as_timestamp(now()) > as_timestamp(states('sensor.ikindi')) and as_timestamp(now()) < as_timestamp(states('sensor.aksam')) %}
            {{ states('sensor.aksam') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%I:%M') }}
          {%  elif as_timestamp(now()) > as_timestamp(states('sensor.aksam')) and as_timestamp(now()) < as_timestamp(states('sensor.yatsi')) %}
            {{ states('sensor.yatsi') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%I:%M') }}
          {% else %}
            {{ states('sensor.imsak') | as_timestamp | timestamp_custom('%I:%M') }}
          {% endif %}
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: "Namaz Vakti"
        value_template: >
          {% set s_list = {'sensor.imsak': 'Imsak', 'sensor.ogle': 'Ogle', 'sensor.ikindi': 'Ikindi', 'sensor.aksam': 'Aksam', 'sensor.yatsi': 'Yatsi'} %}
          {% set local_time = now().timestamp() %}
          {% set upcoming_events = expand(s_list.keys() | select('has_value')) 
          | selectattr('state', 'ge', (local_time)|timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', False))
          | list %}
          {% if upcoming_events %}
            {% set first = upcoming_events | sort(attribute='state') | first %}
            {% set time_difference = (as_timestamp(first.state) - local_time) / 60 %}
            {% if time_difference < 60 %}
              {{ s_list[first.entity_id] }} in {{ time_difference | round(0) }} minutes
            {% elif time_difference_minutes == 1 %}
                 1 minute
            {% else %}
              {{ as_timestamp(first.state) | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }} ({{ s_list[first.entity_id] }})
            {% endif %}
          {% else %}
            No upcoming prayer
          {% endif %}

Hi Guys, I know this a very old case, but I am new into HA and I’m very inerested to get this work. Can anyone please be so kind and help?

@Taylan did u get this going … what do you nerd help with ?

Mashallah… this thread comes alive every Ramadaan :rofl:
Adhan needs to be working all year round boys and girls