Update 2023.9.1 Modbus go out communication

after the last update 2023.9.1 the modbus outgoing commands send the control panel offline and to reactivate I have to restart the configuration file or restart the home assistant, while the received signals do not give problems.
some idea ?

I tried with version 2023.7.3 and it works without losing the connection on the control panel


Hi, hi have the same problem. Have you find any fix?


Hi, after release 2023.9.1 I have the same problem. I reloaded the previous version 2023.9.0 and it go.
I think there is a bug in the 2023.9.1 version.

Same problem here, seems that after release 2023.9.1 all register values become “unavailable” after 5 min. there should be a fix for that problem in the pymodbus version v3.5.2(@ janiversen (jan iversen) · GitHub ) but how do you get this update in to HA

Hi, version 2023.9.2 is out. Has anyone tried if modbus works?

I updated an hour or so ago, from 2023.9.0. TCP modbus working OK so far.

Just update. Modbus still broken.

Second attempt. I then took a closer look at the error message. There is a breaking change that has not been announced.
I had defined the property count when reading several registers of the same type (data_type: int16). But the doc now says:

Number of registers to read. only valid for data_type: custom and data_type: string , for other data types count is automatically calculated.

I then removed count from these registers and now it works.
Sorry for the wrong statement that it still doesn’t work.

Now it works after update

  • Core2023.11.1
  • Supervisor2023.11.0
  • Operating System11.1
  • Frontend20231030.1