I installed HA with hassio about 13months ago in docker, dont remember much about that (whiskey?), but my automation has stopped working due to API changes and I need to update, I have gained a better understanding of docker images in the process but not sure how to go about updating HA in a docker env where I didn’t specifically move the data folders for containers outside of the image in setup.
can anyone shed any light how i can move the important data from the image out, then update the container images and reference the new location for the data? i might need to run some more commands to show how my current setup is.
apologies, i know just enough to get in trouble as they say…
Install portainer CE (free community edition) and use that.
Command line is easy but portainer makes docker management much easier
I also dont like using latest tag for images and suggest specifying the version you want for all docker images. There can be huge difference from v1.1 and v1.7
It sound like you did not bind mount fokder for config and data only exists in the container?
If so, portainer has console function that gives command line inside coontainer.
You should first recreate container with bind mounted volume called temporary. Do not name it config to prevent the old data being removed and replaced by your new blan folder
rsync -aP /old folder /temporary
Recreate container properly mounting folder with correct names then use rsync to move data to location
Rsync is better than cp (copy) or mv (move) in my opinion and you dont want that data deleted or moved until its verified in place. Rsync will also grab the hidden folder used by HA
The backup contains everything you need to restore HA and can be restored using the UI or Manually if needed. if you upgrade it will be automatically restored. You should check release notes because there may be breaking changes that affect upgrade
Based on the screenshots maybe this is a Supervised install on an unsupported Linux version. I can’t see even an old versions of HAOS complaining about the operating system…
Unless you followed the supervised install directions as specified below, on debian, the system will stay in an unhealthy state and prevent you from updating.
It sounds like you were able to backup successfully. At this point, I would install a supported install (supervised on debian, a VM, or HAOS as the OS running your machine) and then restore your backup to the healthy/supported system.