Update button is missing

Sorry to bother you with this stupid question, but since 2023.09 I’m not able to trigger an update via the UI. The update buttons are simply missing and I’m not able to find out why (see screenshot).

Can somebody give me a hint what’s possibly wrong? Since now I never had problems and HA is running without any problems. Only this “stupid” topic creates a little bit of a headache for me.

Have you tried clearing your web browser cache?

Unfortunately this did not solve the problem.

Does somebody else have an idea?

Did you ever figure this out? I’ve been having the same issue ever since the update sensors were released in 2022.4. Restarting HA or disabling/enabling the associated entity will sometimes get it working temporarily but if you aren’t quick enough, it will disappear again. I just tried disable/enable and it didn’t help this time.

I have the same issue.
Some time ago Hard-refresh (ctrl+F5) will help but not now…

I first time faced this problem in HA 2024.1.2
I run work around update with Terminal & SSH add-on and command ha core update --version 2024.1.3 --backup
Unfortunately that does not solve the missing UPDATE button problem.

Same here. Started experiencing the issue after updating to HA 2024.1.2. Still experiencing it with 2024.1.3.

I tried reverting to 2024.1.1 and the problem is still there where as it wasn’t there in the past when I used 2024.1.1.

Trying to restore full backup when I had it working well.


I found the issue.

The update of landroid-card 1.0.0 breaks the update dialog window.

Created 1.0.0 and 1.0.1 break Home Assistant update dialog · Issue #269 · Barma-lej/landroid-card · GitHub .

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I have the same issue since I can’t even remember. In my case I don’t use landroid-card. This is the error I see in the browser’s console:

Unhandled Promise Rejection: Error: Failed to execute 'define' on 'CustomElementRegistry': the name "mwc-linear-progress" has already been used with this registry

I think I may have figured it out. I removed an old resource file from a HACS card that was no longer installed and it’s been working for almost an hour now.

config > lovelace dashboards> resources

My Media page is also no longer failing to load which has been extremely frustrating. I’m going to not update anything and keep checking periodically.

I fixed my issue by updating my atomic-calendar-revive custom component. I had a very old version.

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Thank you for this, it helped me fixed my issue too!