Update feedreader: how to

Continuing the discussion from Feedreader update time:

except that we can’t update any of the event entities like this

disabling polling on the feedreader events to prevent too frequent polling.

and then what?

the default update_entity service is futile here

seems the only way (but not at all user friendly or safe) is to leave the polling enabled on the integration. and then

programmatically disable, enable for a single check and disable, the device, using the Spook services.

ofc, we can also do that manually, but that is even more of a hassle.


heck no, disabling the device does Not stop the integration from retrieving it;s feeds. Next try: disable the integration completely using Spook


  - id: poll_feedreader_on_demand
      - trigger: time_pattern
        hours: '/3'
      - trigger: time
          - '9:00'
          - '12:00'
          - '19:00'
    conditions: []
      - action: homeassistant.enable_config_entry
          config_entry_id: &config_entries
            - 01JF0489EBBM4Y1DMKQ296D1SP
            - 01JF2C4CRNFS61EEVXDHXZQT6A
      - delay: 20
      - action: homeassistant.disable_config_entry
          config_entry_id: *config_entries

not even sure the listed config_entries work in those actions, raises no error, but UI does not support it

Nope, seems it does not work.

so we must do:

      - action: homeassistant.enable_config_entry
          config_entry_id: 01JF0489EBBM4Y1DMKQ296D1SP
      - action: homeassistant.enable_config_entry
          config_entry_id: 01JF2C4CRNFS61EEVXDHXZQT6A
      - etc etc

Conclusion must be we Can Not control Feedreader updating, other than creating convoluted automations using Spooky custom integrations…