Update HACS Access Token

I just removed the integration, but I cannot add it back:

“Only a single configuration of HACS is allowed.”

I wanted to avoid rebooting home assistant because a previous post mentioned that it will bork the install completely. So… what should I do instead?

Ok so this wasn’t planned, but I rebooted because I didn’t remember this issue and I was successfully able to add the HACS component after the reboot, and HACS integration updates work as expected. So I guess rebooting works now.

I deleted HACS, tried installing it and also got the message “Only a single configuration of HACS is allowed.”
Is the new method to Reboot now and then try installing?

I’m getting mixed messages on this thread about what to do

EDIT: I also added my hacs token to my configuration yaml like the Hacs documentation suggested, but it didnt do anything so far. (havent rebooted yet)

I cannot remember if a reboot is required after uninstalling. I don’t think is necessary could be wrong.

HACS ist deaktiviert - Ungültiger Token

Rekonfiguriere HACS und starte Home Assistant neu.

i camot actualiesieren. no new instal over the terminal is working. delete the hacs folder.nothing is working. after reset the hacs is left side visible and the mesage is coming that i must configur .but where? in geräte its only 1 installl alowed.why this i can not have an option for reinstal:
its so comlicatet all and detroy my nerv.
ps.token i also new …not works

Remove hacs: (and everything under it in your configuration file) and use the UI to set it up again.

hi, wow…thanks for fast answer.ok config files i dont removed at this time…i have remove the hac folder. inside homeasistant the haxs is not avaöaible. only in the right panel. its come the menu entry from hacs exaple frontend…open it its all red with info that must configured.if i open than is blocked.wrong page or so message.
delete this no going…i leev ha and boot the system.start HA hacs not there…i open the menu to instal hacs …no hacs avalaible…i leeve and instal in terminal with:wget -O - https://get.hacs.xyz | bash -
i open HA and …the old as before is inside and the horible start again…
i dont know in what config files al the hacs is availaible.this i ned to the end of my live…

I did not tell you to remove a folder, I told you to remove the hacs: configuration in your YAML configuration files.

thx…great.i will test.but the complette folder i hace delete but its coming back.i will delete now your way and tell you later.imnew 6 months and also delete microsoft and start with linux…my HA have complett from youtube videos.its works fine.the only think is without alexa for me HA is not a alternative real.i have bye zonos zigbee 3.0 also sky dongle…all fine but if i remove philips hue hub than i can no open the light with my voice.i dont umderstand that a system as HA not alexa plugin for all and not only for money in a cloud.this i dont understand and HA is or me so not system for all day, its for playing testing. i have instal alexa media player but this not start the lamps…my clima…bosch.o man without alexa im in the cold house.smile.have think al my hubs i can to müll but i need the hubs too and dont need example zigbee dongle or sky.without hub all my szene and effects losing…
have you an idee for my problem too…To buye cloud service is no alternative for me…never i will do…!
.i think HA is not for me…have since half

hi, sorry no hacs yaml i found…have serach the complet system all files but nothing here…
if i start the hacs is on left side and frontend inetgretier and add on section is avalaible but only the addon is working…the other is wrong if open entrys…cant remove, cant install anything…its say that not right configured but the listet apps are working… iim confused thins 2 days and i will format and destroy my work and start with smarttings, gogle asistant and alexa hue and bosch and al is working again.im so nerve and dont slep since 2 daYS.


i have a backuo too but where i founf the hacs module to restored?
i have never see the hacs gui only as listed entrys.this was the think im play with hacs to hope i can work with the gui too.but hwre never its works…ok…2 minutes is was runing after than everytime gui lost


You added that at some point, only you can know where you placed it.
Your situation is only possible if you still have YAML configuration for it, so it has to exist somewhere.

hi, manx thx for fast answer generelly.never i think that here so good to help…
i wil see what i can do…at now im not good …angry and agresiv nut dont slep and dont fod to take…only this pronlem to hope to solve. i think im detroy to much with the test to solve.
good evening and nice weekend for you.i need a brak i think.

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hi, sory i must ask you again…i have restore a working backup. the isue before i wrote is going but i have now a other with hacs…
if i used hacs addon is fine…this 2 eror i see:
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Integration requires reconfiguration
At least one of your integrations requires reconfiguration to continue functioning. Check it out.

i have at this time 30x or more verified the hacs… if i open fromtend or other an click any think .2 sekunds the m3essage is coming that i must reconfiguration.i doit with the new code al fine but if i open any or if backup comes the same again and again…its horrible.never before i have so much problems.
i found that all update files from hacs integration are displaxed with error…if i open anytime gray monitor with eror message and the hacs must verifyed again…token wrong or other bulshit.

on the day i create i private token in github…is this the wrong isue? i have search in my acount but dont found for delete.im confus.i must work in yny hours but i cant go fromthe pc…

if you have any idea please help.take you time .i can wait…

folowing i found…
after im klick on an entry i wrote taht than i must verifying hacs…because a message is coming and hacs is with a color an text taht need verify…hmm.i have not doing and start HA only…im back and HA is without the banner that must verified…but if i using the step before i will open a entry than is comimg again will verifey und is not activ…i hope it help a litle and you have a idea…thx…