I think since 2023.4.5 the sensor update.home_assistant_core_update shows the raw boolean value “off” instead of the more meaningfull value “up-to-date” what it used to do. I hope this can be fixed.
Doesn’t this sensor simply indicate that an update is available? I’m still on 2023.3.6 (skipped this month’s updates so far) and mine also shows “off”. The attributes contain the last skipped update.
auto_update: false
installed_version: 2023.3.6
in_progress: false
latest_version: 2023.4.5
release_summary: null
release_url: https://www.home-assistant.io/latest-release-notes/
skipped_version: 2023.4.5
title: Home Assistant Core
entity_picture: https://brands.home-assistant.io/homeassistant/icon.png
friendly_name: Home Assistant Core Update
supported_features: 11
You could create your own “up to date” sensor, but a simple “off” = “up to date” would be misleading.
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I know, it’s just it was fine before the update. I’ll add some templating to the lovelace cards showing the values