Update image not found

Anyone else having this issue?

20-04-26 18:54:40 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant] Update Home Assistant to version 0.108.9
20-04-26 18:54:40 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Update image homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.6 to homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.9
20-04-26 18:54:40 INFO (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant tag 0.108.9.
20-04-26 19:03:18 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can’t install homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.9 -> 404 Client Error: Not Found (“no such image: homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.9: No such image: homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.9”).
20-04-26 19:03:18 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant] Update Home Assistant image fails

The most probable reason is insufficient disk space.

i have the same problem. it is set on a vm with a dynamic drive. And i have more then enough space on the hard drive… Any idea why it is happening?

SSH in to the host, and run
docker pull homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.108.9

See what messages are displayed on the console.

I’m running Virtual Machine will that ssh command still work? I’m running dynamic as well and i’ve got 500GB of extra space available.

That is what the update button in supervisor does, behind the scenes. So yes, it will work.

I am using hassio so sshing into it only brings the ha docker interface…

And btw… im using it on a hyper-v mount in a windows 10 maschine

Update. Hyper V does not expand the drive dynamicaly. you have to do it for it… i increased it from 6gb to 10 and it worked… maybe the original poster has the same problem.