Update_interval being ignored?

For some reason my 60 Second interval is being ignored and data base grows large fast
2Gb per day

InfluxDB only grows ~100meg a day

also is their a way for data to be read live without storing the data ?
as when ever I exclude it , it is no longer viewable


  - platform: adc
    pin: GPIO33
    name: "Battery2 A"
    update_interval: 60s
    attenuation: auto
    id: battery_sensorA
  - platform: adc
    pin: GPIO34
    name: "Battery2 B"
    update_interval: 60s
    attenuation: auto
    id: battery_sensorB
  - platform: adc
    pin: GPIO35
    name: "Battery2 C"
    update_interval: 60s
    attenuation: auto
    id: battery_sensorC
  - platform: adc
    pin: GPIO32
    name: "Battery2 D"
    update_interval: 60s
    attenuation: auto
    id: battery_sensorD
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "${name} WiFi Signal Sensor"
    update_interval: 60s
select entity_id,count(*) from states group by entity_id order by count(*) desc;

If you watch the log of the esp it will show how often it publishes a state. It is also unlikely that these 4 sensors are creating 100mb data daily.

You can disable storing in database for only wanted sensor(s) with “exclude” in recorder ( in configuration). See recorder manual.

This only applies to the standard history. This will not exclude them from influx db.

Whenever you exclude it where? Recoder? Yes - you will only ever see the latest value then.

I aslo find it difficult to understand how 4 sensors can cause a 2Gb a day increase in database size. Maybe there is something else going on.

Lastly - did you have issues pasting your ESP config? Because what you show above would not work…

how would it not work ?
the only thing I never added in was the 5x multiplier but I am applying that to graphana so no drama

its not the full esp config but its the section related to the battery sensors that are filling up the database fast

I used to also have this for reference voltage 
#  - platform: adc
#    pin: VCC
#    id: "VCC"
#    name: "VCC"
#    internal: true
#    update_interval: 1s
#    attenuation: auto

and before I had the esp32 with the ESP8266 it was something a bit different but I have lost the old configs now

the influx db grows at a reasonable rate with lots of 1 and 5 second data points while logging solar mppt trackers and over 100 aquarium temps, TDS and PSI sensors
but recorders db is 20x the size daily and most of that is pointing towards the battery sensor thats meant to just be keeping track of the voltage of each individual battery so I can catch a dead cell be for I have another 7v , 17v , 17v, 17v day

as you have said excluding will keep data going to influx I will give that a go

I really wish they would put long term data into a separate database, as I would like to keep the energy dash board backed up daily the rest that it logs does not matter as long as I have a few days worth backed up

Your GPIO was malformed.

it might have been a paste issue , going through the ESP’s now to see if one of them looks like that ,
so far they have been correct my guess is i touched my middle click on the wheel mouse and it just pasted it , its been extremely touchy while scrolling since the rubber fell apart

Excluding from the recorder does not effect influx db. To exclude in influx you must place it under the influx: heading in config.yaml, see exclude key

ok thanks will remove those from recorder and see if its file size starts settling down