Update Not Posible (from 0.96.5 to 0.103.4)


I want to update my Hassio but it won’t. I am curenntly on 0.96.5 (I am this old because on the first try of the update everything hung up and I had to load a backup) and want to update to 0.103.4. If I press the Update Button it takes a while and than it resards, but nothing has chanched. It is still an 0.96.5


Update one version at a time using:

hassio homeassistant update --version=x.y.z

Look at the blog post for each version and deal with the breaking changes for each version before updating.

Along with what Tom said, I’ll give you a hint: remove api_password from under http: in your config if you have it. It won’t work starting in version 0.101 and often prevents startup which will then cause a rollback in the case of Hassio.

Thanks for the Response.

I have removed the api_password and now its working.


That’s why reading the release notes like @tom_l said is important :wink: