Update notifications! Core, HACS, Supervisor and Addons (now a blueprint!)

Thanks! I’m sure it would be a good option for either platform, but my use case is specifically for an iPhone.

Oh lol I’m already setting sticky to true, duh. Explains why this is the first I’m hearing of this, this is already the behavior for android. Alright I’ll try to add it for ios but seriously, please submit a feature request for sticky support on ios. This should be a native feature not one blueprint developers have to build themselves to make notifications cross-platform.

Ok should be working now. Clicking the changelog action on an ios device should recreate the notification to emulate android’s sticky feature. Give it a shot and let me know if you have any issues.

Quick question:
What do i have to fill in the field “Update entities” when i want every available update as notification?

Do i have to fill in nothing or *


Update entities is for updates you want to know about immediately. Like if there’s an addon you want to be informed about updates for as soon as they come out then list it there.

For all others the blue print will check and inform you about updates for them every few hours (whatever you put in reminder_hours. If you’re fine with that speed for all of them then no you don’t need to put anything in update_entities

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Thx, now it’s clear to me.
Now have just added one entity and let default reminder 3h. “Only after” and " Only before" is set to 8:00:00 - 21:00:00.

Thx a lot for this.
Will see how it goes.

Is it possible to update the hass using the button from the dashboard?

@CentralCommand Is there any way to format the output generated by

    command: 'ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/config/.ssh/known_hosts <INSERT HOST USERNAME>@<INSERT HOST ADDRESS> -i /config/.ssh/id_ed25519 ''sudo apt update > /dev/null && sudo apt list --upgradeable'' | jq --raw-input --slurp ''{ "packages": split("\n") | del(.[] | select(. == "" or . == "Listing...")) }'''

so the content of packages is not
package 1, package 2, package 3
but e. g.
package 1,\n package 2,\n package3 ?

This way I could probably format the output using a proper card (looking at https://github.com/iantrich/list-card currently).

At the end I want a proper visualization of that data, as what I currently use is just horrible for reading:

          - type: custom:entity-attributes-card
            title: ''
            heading_name: ' '
            heading_state: Verfügbare Paket-Updates [Server]
                - key: sensor.updates_server_host.packages
                  name: ' '

In case you know another proper card for this job: thanks a lot in advance!

Hi, since the Supervisor update to 2023.4, the Supervisor update function is not working anymore. The code below has worked perfectly during the last years. Does anybody experience the same issue?

- platform: command_line
  name: system_supervisor_updates
  command: 'curl http://supervisor/supervisor/info -H "Authorization: Bearer $(printenv SUPERVISOR_TOKEN)" | jq ''{"newest_version":.data.version_latest,"current_version":.data.version,"update_available":.data.update_available,"addons":[.data.addons[] | select(.update_available)]}'''
  value_template: "{{ value_json.addons | length }}"
  unit_of_measurement: pending update(s)
  - update_available
  - newest_version
  - current_version
  - addons

because they have made it easier, with a blueprint, see topic start.

This was a bug affecting command line sensors intoruducrd in HA Core 2023.4.0.

It’s been fixed in 2023.4.1.

Instead of selecting specific add-ons, could there be an option to automatically (and dynamically) detect all of them? So if/when I add add-ons in the future they are automatically included in the alert?

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does anyone know why the audio info is failing now?

Hello, I hope someone can help me, because I unfortunately no longer know what to do and also on the Internet just can not find a useful answer.
I am running an SSH command for updates on a Raspi and want to check with a binary sensor if the command is running or not. For e.g.:

 - platform: command_line
   name: Update
   command: ssh test@test 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -Y'

And from here on I just don’t know what to do to make the sensor check if the command is executed or not.

Did you find out already?

no. still not working and no idea how to fix it

Note that YAML for command_line is flipping around. Instead of:

  - platform: command_line

It is like:

  - binary_sensor:

Hey hi, since a while I get:
“Automation is unavailable”.

When I try to change the automation:
“Message malformed: unknown device”.

My yaml:

alias: Udate Notification
description: >-
  path: mdegat01/update_notifications.yaml
    reminder_hours: "3"
      - update.home_assistant_core_update
      - update.esphome_update
      - update.file_editor_update
      - update.glances_update
      - update.home_assistant_operating_system_update
      - update.grafana_update
      - update.home_assistant_supervisor_update
      - update.influxdb_update
      - update.mosquitto_broker_update
      - update.mariadb_update
      - update.mqtt_explorer_update
      - update.node_red_update
      - update.samba_backup_update
      - update.samba_share_update
      - update.sqlite_web_update
      - update.traccar_update
      - update.z_wave_js_update
      - update.studio_code_server_update
      - update.ssh_web_terminal_update
    mobile_app_device: 7ba2dc2804c0d84f75ad1d3084663c05
    send_to_ha: true

Tried to delete the device via gui and reselect does not work.

I see:

But I cannot really find a solution…

What should I do the get it going? What “device id” should I use? Where is that?

What changed?

Is it only me having this issue? Any one else that has this blueprint and still has it running?

It seems something changed. When I select 2 times the same device it works…

if you only have 1, then that’s your problem. That will need 2 the way it’s written after the last core changes.

This seems to be needing to change in the blueprint…