Update of device not possible: (self-signed certificate)


I have HA OS installed on NUC 11. It works smoothly. I have installed zigbee2mqtt which is working fine. Only one thing does not work for one of my devices (Philips HUE lightstrip). If I want to update the device in OTA I get the folowing error message. I dont know what to do to be able to update the device. Can you help? Thanks.
Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-04 um 09.26.37

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Ran into the this issue too. It’s due to changes in the way Philips Hue manages their certificates. It’s unclear if it’s intentional or not, but a self-signed certificate is part of the certificate chain now. Zigbee2Mqtt is aware of the issue and a fix has been made. But I’m unsure when that will be available to Home Assistant users. If you are running Zigbee2Mqtt as an add-on like most people here, then it’s up to the maintainers of the add-on. If you are running a stand-alone Zigbee2Mqtt instance, I’m guessing you can pull a fixed version pretty soon?


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thanks a lot for your answer. Good to know that there are some smart guys working on it :wink:

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