Update of icon in HA without triggering the output


My current configuration looks following:

I am able to control light, everything works fine. But I want to have also opportunity to switch on lights with 2 way wall switch. The problem is when I switch on light with wall switch, the icon in HA stays unchanged and I cannot schedule any automated scene…I have bought current sensor with ADS1115 convector and sending the light status via mqtt to node red works fine. Is it possible to somehow change only the icon(toogle) state based on input value without triggering the light itself?

What is the issue with just sending the command again? If the light is already on, you simply send the on command to the home assistant to reflect the state. If you just change the icon, the automations will still not work, as the state is still not set to ON.

However, maybe you need to work on your switches, and maybe make them into a template switch so HA can automatically query the correct state and reflect it within HA.


finally it’s working as I want, Template was pretty ease way how set up it without node red.