Recently I have started to get an error saying Update of sensor X is taking over 10 seconds.
Just one sensor for the past 2 weeks. Now there are three sensors repeatedly reporting this. It’s adding well over 100 log entries per day.
Logger: homeassistant.helpers.entity
Source: helpers/
First occurred: May 21, 2022, 13:35:31 (244 occurrences)
Last logged: 09:49:07
* Update of sensor.handdoekradiator_electrical_measurement is taking over 10 seconds
* Update of sensor.exchange_rate_1_btc is taking over 10 seconds
* Update of sensor.trade_volume is taking over 10 seconds
I have added a few zigbee or Hue devices recently but nothing that should be too big for HA to handle. Does anyone know what could suddenly start causing this? Would be great to sort this out.
Did you find the root cause? I’m experiencing the same - multiple “is taking over 10 seconds” logentries each day. They started to appear a couple of months ago. I always thought thats because of my WiFi being heavily taxed due to lots of IoT-Devices. Today i realized, that a couple of zigbee-sensors are affected as well (a plug with electrical measurement, that looks quite similar to the first in your screenshot), so WiFi can’t be (the only?) cause.
Well, i spent some time looking into this and i think i found it.
It’s kinda embarrassing to have lived with this situation for multiple months now, but i’m gonna share it anyways - maybe i save someone…
Since both - WiFi and Zigbee devices - were affected and my homeassistant-host wasn’t under heavy cpu-usage (~15% most of the time) the glaringly obvious thing to look into was an interference in the 2.4GHz band. And of course i had my devices set up poorly: My Zigbee Dongle directly in the USB-Slot of the NUC (HA-Host) and my WiFi-Router right next to that.
I inserted an USB-extension cable and moved the Zigbee-Stick away from NUC and Router and that seems to have solved the issue - no “taking over 10s” anymore in the last 24h.
I’m getting lots more of these warnings too. Nothing much has changed in my setup - no new devices, RPi 4 with SSD, Conbee 2 on a long extension. I used to get these warnings occasionally, which I put down to my 4G internet/CGNAT.
Since the 2023.1.0 release, I noticed quite a lot more warnings despite nothing else changing. I’m about to migrate to an x86 machine so will be interested to see what happens then, but until I get time to do that I’m very curious as to whether there’s any other explanation.