New here, so bare with me. Mostly using the visual editor, but can understand the code.
I’m trying to create a conditional card with an OR condition. After trying it every which way, I googled it, and realized I’m not the only one facing the same issue. This was in 2022 though, so I’m wondering what ended up happening to that feature request.
Basically, I have the HA companion app on my phone, and I want to setup a conditional card that only displays when the battery level is below x percent (entity numeric state) OR when the phone is in a charging state (entity state). Individually, they both work, but if I have both under the OR condition, nothing gets displayed since both conditions are not met.
I made a work-around by creating 2 conditional cards in place of 1. One card only pops up when the battery level drops below 51% OR (which is treated like an AND – I can probably change this without it breaking) state is NOT equal to = charging. This serves as my que to “top up” my phone. The second card only pops up when I’m charging. Not really ideal, but better than always on or only 1 or all conditions.
Anyways, any help is much appreciated.