Update or change ESPHome API password


Is it possible to change the ESPHome API integration password? I can change it in the configuration and upload the firmware, but then HASS does not recognize the entities anymore. Is there a way for HASS to redo the integration of entities of one device using the new password?

Note: I know how to change the OTA password, and that works well.


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Go into integrations and delete the device.

Then re-add it with the new password,

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I tried this and it worked. I was able to delete only one device. I thought the Delete function would delete all my ESPHome devices and remove the integration. I had to reboot to have my password-enable entities discovered.


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How can you re-add the ESPhome device? It is not auto-detected anymore after deleting it from config>Integrations>ESPhome>device no matter what I have tried, eg. uninstalling and reinstalling ESPhome?

How is it possible to make Home Assistant detect the same device that was removed?

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Integrations, plus button, choose esphome, fill in the detail.

Trying to change my passwords in NodeRed, Home Assistant, and in all my Tasmota and ESPhome devices seemed to be impossible at the end of 3 painful days. That pwned passwords update really pwned me. It broke my google assistant (voice), it broke most of my devices, it broke MQTT all in ways I could not ultimately resolve.

Starting over, ok use a secure password. Trying to change everything, I could not get harmony again. I could not find a way to re-add my ESPhome devices I tried to delete so I could change the password and get it to work with HA again. What an awful mess. The password change is NOT a simple task and I am not sure it is even possible unless you can get deep into the HA config files that are not shown in the UI.

I am so thankful for the Snapshot feature, a backup was easy to restore and I will live happily ever after with my pwned passwords and the ability to easily remember them and type them in. I use Bit Warden to make long and unique passwords when online, but between my network security on Unifi and the IP Ban feature in the HA config file, I will sleep easy knowing it is unlikely a hacker will ever be able to flash my lights while I try to sleep.

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Literally click on the plus button and type an IP address

I must say that I have the same situation, some are easy, some are hard to change.

But just adding a message without solutions or guides on how to change is… :thinking:

(Replying to the pwnd part)

Did you simply try rebooting? That worked for me.