Update problemm

Hi, I always have trouble updating HA, I get this kind of error

pi @ raspberrypi: ~ $ pip3 install homeassistant == 0.86.4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/ usr / bin / pip3”, line 9, in
from pip import main
ImportError: can not import name ‘main’
pi @ raspberrypi: ~ $

from the support site I never find the right instruction, who can help me?

Thank you

How did you install HA? (Unfortunately there are several choices.) If you did a Python Virtual Environment install of some sort, you need to first switch into that venv. And you might need to switch to the user account that is running HA, too. This is what I usually do to upgrade:

sudo systemctl stop [email protected]
sudo -u homeassistant -H -s
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant
sudo systemctl start [email protected]
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Ok everything is ok, finally the procedure you indicated was successful, thanks again …

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