Update state of montion sensor in Imou camera

Are there any tutorials for that? It did not work for me…

Hi, to change the stream from h265 to h264 for both channels, you can use Dahua Tools, it allows you to change many parameters also fou IMOU, such as framerate and much more.

I have integrated an IMOU CRUISER 4MP cam with ONVIF, but I only get 2 video streams and nothing else. I hope that PTZ controls and motion sensor can be added in the future.

this is what I have:

  • platform: ffmpeg
    name: Camera name
    input: rtsp://admin:XXXXX@camera_IP:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1&unicast=true&proto=Onvif

where XXXXX is the security code that is on the bottom of the camera. Also, you can get this code from the IMOU app.
If I use subtype=0 I got no stream and I think is because is in H265 format