Hi, Updating from 0.100.1 to 0.102.1 fails, logs of the container show that it fails to install any dependency. In the end it seems to start working, sort of, but UI is not accessible.
I’ve read that api_password may make update to .102 fail, but I wonder if there’s something else here? How does api_password have anything to do with installing dependencies?
I’m running Hass.io on Debian 9 VM.
I just reverted back to 0.100 to try again with no api_password. Will post logs in a minute.
Well it was just the API password. I’m not sure why it would cause every or every other dependency to fail to install (Logs were saying literally ERROR - Dependency X failed to install for like everything )
I was just asking if there are any other known issues preventing update from .100 to .102 other then the API password.