Update to 106 beta: can see log, and use SSH, but no frontend

Hi, After updating one of my Pi’s to HA 106.1 I had trouble using Duckdns, so reinstalled that, unfortunately couldn’t reach the instance through the duckdns address still. So, thought Id restart the instance completely.

Which I shouldn’t have done: I can see the log in the smb (which apparently still works) but it wont go past:

2020-02-21 14:50:53 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up hassio
2020-02-21 14:50:53 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain sensor took 2.2 seconds.
2020-02-21 14:50:53 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain hassio took 0.1 seconds.
2020-02-21 14:50:53 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setting up logbook
2020-02-21 14:50:53 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain logbook took 0.0 seconds.
2020-02-21 14:50:54 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Starting Home Assistant
2020-02-21 14:50:54 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Timer:starting

and this is in the frontend:

thought about downgrading, but I can’t ssh into the instance.
Now what? please have a look? thanks!

You’ll need to bump your logging to debug to get more info.

managed to do so, but no idea what I should be looking for. I can see things are happening, so the Pi is still working, only no frontend…
ony 3 errors in the log:

but that probably isn’t related…

Nope that error is just the updater having internet connectivity issues.

Have you tried using no configuration?
Take your config files compress them into an archive and remove them from the Pi then try to let it fire up.

what should I set to debug to be able to see frontend issues in the log?


maybe? Doesn’t reveal anything, but this is on the browser page:

You’ll want:

  default: debug

Turns on debugging for everything.

well, that’s a possibility, but then we wont be able to find anything :wink: no use debugging the components that work fine is there? If we must, we must, but if we can narrow it down a bit, that would be nicer.

The frontend isn’t loading so we need to figure out what’s broken :wink:
Maybe even a docker logs -f <container ID> would be useful in case pip is installing somethings.

A post was split to a new topic: Can you get to the docker logs in Hassos install

well, the oddest thing:
For my 3 HA instances I have shortcuts on my iPhone. Loading the this instance went without hiccups at all… While the Safari Mac refused to load it completely.

Firing up Firefox on the Mac showed the HA instance immediately. Of course I had tried to clear and reload cache in Safari, but that didn’t help.

I then closed Safari completely, restarted with an empty page, again cleared and refreshed cache (Developer menu, empty cache) after which I could load my HA instance again!

So, it was a Safari Mac issue, not a HA 106.x beta issue.
thanks for helping and thinking along!

(btw Ive unsubscribed the beta program …)

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Rule of thumb: Never use Safari :stuck_out_tongue: