Update to .87 broke my lock automation

Had an auto-lock feature working great; would re-lock the front door after 2 minutes. Calling the service lock.lock on my front door works as expected but the automation won’t trigger. I created it in the Automation UI editor just to make sure my syntax was correct but still no luck. How can I troubleshoot it? @ptdalen other than the double underscores in your locks package were there any other breaking changes you had to address?

- id: '1550159043759'
  alias: Auto Lock Front Door
  - entity_id: lock.lock_front_door_lock
    for: 00:02:00
    from: locked
    platform: state
    to: unlocked
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: lock.lock_front_door_lock
    service: lock.lock

I am not aware of any other braking changes, but, with this automation, the package really should not make any difference. Couple of quick questions.

  1. Can you lock/unlock the lock via the UI?
  2. Can you verify that the entity name has not changed

bottom line: if the names are the same and you can lock/unlock via HA/UI then maybe check the automation. I did find the other day for the 1st time in a long time that after a restart, that all of my automations were off. Once it a while I have random automation turned off after a restart.

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