Update to Home Assistant 2023.10.0 broke matter integration

So I updated my Home Assistant installation from the last before-2023.10.0 version to 2023.10.0 and after its restart, the matter integration doesn’t work anymore. It stays in ‘failed setup, will retry’ state forever and looking at the debug log, it keeps saying “2023-10-05 11:06:54.110 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry ‘Matter’ for matter integration not ready yet: Failed to connect to matter server; Retrying in background

The matter server add-on however IS running. So I am a bit confused as to what’s going on & was wondering if anyone had an idea how to get this back working again?


Just to let you know, I have upgraded to 2023.10.0 and in my case Matter is working fine. Only suggestion is to restart the Matter Server Add-On.

Already tried that… the logs of the matter server indicate all good, so that’s why I am a bit confused why the integration cannot communicate with the matter server on the same system / what’s really going on.

Already obv. restarted the entire system as well (not only the matter server add-on), same thing / no change unfortunately.

So as it turns out, i THINK (?) the matter server add-on is NOT running, despite the visual indicator (green dot in upper right corner) indicating so:

see log:

s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner: starting
s6-rc: info: service s6rc-oneshot-runner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs: starting
s6-rc: info: service banner: starting
s6-rc: info: service fix-attrs successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting
s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init successfully started
 Add-on: Matter Server
 Matter WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Matter support.
 Add-on version: 4.9.0
 You are running the latest version of this add-on.
 System: Home Assistant OS 10.5  (aarch64 / raspberrypi4-64)
 Home Assistant Core: 2023.10.0
 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2023.10.0
 Please, share the above information when looking for help
 or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
s6-rc: info: service banner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service matter-server: starting
s6-rc: info: service matter-server successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
[13:20:44] INFO: Starting Matter Server...
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
[13:20:45] INFO: Successfully send discovery information to Home Assistant.
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server matter_server.server.stack[127] INFO Initializing CHIP/Matter Controller Stack...
[1696537248.205362][127:127] CHIP:CTL: Setting attestation nonce to random value
[1696537248.205604][127:127] CHIP:CTL: Setting CSR nonce to random value
[1696537248.207265][127:127] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /tmp/chip_kvs
[1696537248.207687][127:127] CHIP:DL: writing settings to file (/tmp/chip_kvs-JR4zQL)
[1696537248.207884][127:127] CHIP:DL: renamed tmp file to file (/tmp/chip_kvs)
[1696537248.208149][127:127] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /data/chip_factory.ini
[1696537248.208365][127:127] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /data/chip_config.ini
[1696537248.208472][127:127] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /data/chip_counters.ini
[1696537248.208854][127:127] CHIP:DL: writing settings to file (/data/chip_counters.ini-I8NeZP)
[1696537248.209447][127:127] CHIP:DL: renamed tmp file to file (/data/chip_counters.ini)
[1696537248.209513][127:127] CHIP:DL: NVS set: chip-counters/reboot-count = 5 (0x5)
[1696537248.210382][127:127] CHIP:DL: Got Ethernet interface: eth0
[1696537248.211052][127:127] CHIP:DL: Found the primary Ethernet interface:eth0
[1696537248.211605][127:127] CHIP:DL: Got WiFi interface: wlan0
[1696537248.211674][127:127] CHIP:DL: Failed to reset WiFi statistic counts
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server PersistentStorage[127] WARNING Initializing persistent storage from file: /data/chip.json
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server PersistentStorage[127] WARNING Loading configuration from /data/chip.json...
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server PersistentStorage[127] INFO SetSdkKey: g/gcc = b'\x88\x13\x00\x00'
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server PersistentStorage[127] INFO Committing...
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server PersistentStorage[127] INFO SetSdkKey: g/gdc = b'\x88\x13\x00\x00'
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server PersistentStorage[127] INFO Committing...
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server chip.DL[127] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on wlan0 for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:764: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server chip.DL[127] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on veth86e11f2 for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:764: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server chip.DL[127] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on veth3085b32 for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:764: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server chip.DL[127] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on veth922ca52 for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:764: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server chip.DL[127] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on vetheaad7a3 for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:764: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server chip.DL[127] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on veth4062c0e for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:764: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server chip.DL[127] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on vethcd14c3a for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:764: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server chip.DL[127] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on veth0a1a3e2 for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:764: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server chip.DL[127] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on wpan0 for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:764: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server CertificateAuthorityManager[127] WARNING Loading certificate authorities from storage...
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server CertificateAuthority[127] WARNING New CertificateAuthority at index 1
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server CertificateAuthority[127] WARNING Loading fabric admins from storage...
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server FabricAdmin[127] WARNING New FabricAdmin: FabricId: 0x0000000000000002, VendorId = 0x134B
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server PersistentStorage[127] INFO SetReplKey: caList = {'1': [{'fabricId': 2, 'vendorId': 4939}]}
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server PersistentStorage[127] INFO Committing...
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server matter_server.server.stack[127] INFO CHIP Controller Stack initialized.
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server matter_server.server.server[127] INFO Starting the Matter Server...
2023-10-05 13:20:48 core-matter-server matter_server.server.helpers.paa_certificates[127] INFO Fetching the latest PAA root certificates from DCL.
/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/helpers/paa_certificates.py:46: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: The parsed certificate contains a NULL parameter value in its signature algorithm parameters. This is invalid and will be rejected in a future version of cryptography. If this certificate was created via Java, please upgrade to JDK16+ or the latest JDK11 once a fix is issued. If this certificate was created in some other fashion please report the issue to the cryptography issue tracker. See https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/issues/8996 for more details.
  pem_certificate = x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(certificate.encode())
2023-10-05 13:20:53 core-matter-server matter_server.server.helpers.paa_certificates[127] INFO Fetched 108 PAA root certificates from DCL.
2023-10-05 13:20:53 core-matter-server matter_server.server.helpers.paa_certificates[127] INFO Fetching the latest PAA root certificates from Git.
2023-10-05 13:25:53 core-matter-server asyncio[127] ERROR Task exception was never retrieved
future: <Task finished name='Task-1' coro=<run.<locals>.new_coro() done, defined at /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiorun.py:209> exception=TimeoutError()>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiorun.py", line 219, in new_coro
    await coro
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/server.py", line 94, in start
    await self.device_controller.initialize()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/device_controller.py", line 92, in initialize
    await fetch_certificates()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/helpers/paa_certificates.py", line 153, in fetch_certificates
    fetch_count += await fetch_git_certificates()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/matter_server/server/helpers/paa_certificates.py", line 126, in fetch_git_certificates
    async with http_session.get(f"{GIT_URL}/{cert}.pem") as response:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 1141, in __aenter__
    self._resp = await self._coro
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 467, in _request
    with timer:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/aiohttp/helpers.py", line 721, in __exit__
    raise asyncio.TimeoutError from None

I ran into similar issues and just deleted my (one!) matter device, then the integration and addon, then reinstalled them all. It was a PITA but once I renamed my one matter device back to it’s old name and restarted HA, all was golden again - but it was even so a PITA. How many matter devices do you have?

I’m having… well… had… two. I tried the following (to no success):

  • removing the integration which also removed the two devices
  • removed the matter server add-on
  • rebooted the system entirely
  • re-added the matter integration which asks if I want to also install the matter server > yes
  • let that finish & it ends with ‘cannot start matter server’

womp womp. That log above is quasi that result… not sure what else I can do that remove and re-add.

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My log looks exactly the same. Although it started to fail, since I rebooted the system to install the Skyconnect-Stick with multiprotocol mode. I thin it started to fail, since the automatic “Silicon Labs Multiprotocol”-Addon setup.
I tried deleting the Matter Server Addon, deleting the Matter integration → restart → install it all again → no effect. The Matter integration still says, it failed to connect to Matter Server.
That is really frustrating.

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Exact same Problem here.

  • Core2023.11.2
  • Supervisor2023.11.3
  • Operating System11.1
  • Frontend20231030.2
2023-11-20 10:57:31 core-matter-server chip.DL[126] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on **wlan0** for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:777: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found
2023-11-20 10:57:31 core-matter-server chip.DL[126] ERROR MDNS failed to join multicast group on veth126d288 for address type IPv4: src/inet/UDPEndPointImplSockets.cpp:777: Inet Error 0x00000110: Address not found

My RaspberryPi is connected via ethernet so multicastgroup for wlan makes no sense at all.


Same problem here with latest beta versions running on Home Assistant Yellow:

  • Core2023.11.3
  • Supervisor2023.11.5
  • Operating System11.2.rc1
  • Frontend20231030.2

Matter integration stille states:

Failed setup, will retry

I’ve tried so many combinations of Matter/Thread/ZHA integrations and Matter add-ons. Taking a break from that insanity for now…

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I have the same problem. I have already reinstalled everything several times. Without success. Basically, the problem started when I wanted to change the radio channel in ZHA, without success. I then undid the whole thing and apparently destroyed Matter. ZHA continues to run without any problems. Are there any new findings yet? Would it work to reinstall HA and then import a backup?