Update to the Wiz Integration

So I’m not sure this falls under Feature Requests as no other category seemed appropriate. The Wiz software has some new Effects that aren’t available in the Home Assistant integration. Can someone look into adding the new effects to HA please? My home is pretty much all lit up by Wiz and it would be great to have all the features. One that would be very useful is Alarm! as it flashed the bulb continuously and would be great to add to any type of alert.

Thank you.

Okay, so it turns out that the component necessary for the Wiz integration to function has been updated but doesn’t appear to be pulled from the GitHub repository to the HA integration. The repository needed is the scenes.py file in the sbidy/pywizlight repository. I don’t know how to pull it myself and store it in the right location in HA. If anyone could help me with this I would really appreciate it.

Thank you.