Update wireless light effects to use sockets instead of Arduino

Hello !
Jesserockz recently helped me to get E1.31 effect work on my ESP Home lamp.
He made a PR to update the code of this effect to use socket instead of Arduino (since I’m using ESP-IDF) : Migrate e131 to use socket instead of WiFiUDP arduino library by jesserockz · Pull Request #4832 · esphome/esphome · GitHub
However, I noticed that other effect still have this issue (adalight, wled) and I would also like to try them out since I’m not really satisfied with E1.31

Could somebody apply his patch to these effects too please ? I’m not a good c++ developper and I didn’t succeed to apply it myself.

Anyways, thanks for this wonderful project :+1:

Esphome feature requests go on github.

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