Updated firmware in SiLabs 700 UZB-7, lost all devices

Z-Wave network had been running well, but after adding some more switches the stick would go unresponsive and needing to restart the add-on nearly daily, Finally decided to update the firmware, the PC Suite said NVM backup was not supported, and after upgrade found that it had lost all the devices.

So now need to build the network again.

ZWave is really a frustrating solution. Part of my network is on Vera and I have that controller automatically power-cycling every night to keep it somewhat functional.

Before I would add any devices, I would make sure you can back the NVM up. If not you may want to figure that out before moving forward.

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Thanks - yes that is good advice. I agree that rather than rush to add all the devices I should ensure that I can back it up this time to avoid this again.

I’ll also take the time to update all my devices, or at least the inovelli switches.

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