Updated hass, trying to get basic automation working

im trying to get my switches to work. i tried this from an example.

- alias: testing
  - platform: time
    at: '10:26'
    service: homeassistant.turn_on
    entity_id: zwave.ge_12727_inwall_smart_switch_toggle

I got an error “WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Unable to find service zwave/turn_on”

then i used the automation editor and tried this

- action:
  - alias: test
    data: {}
    service: homeassistant.turn_on
  alias: New Automation 1
  condition: []
  id: '1505486971156'
  - at: '10:57'
    platform: time

I get the error " ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components] homeassistant/turn_on cannot be called without entity_id". I addded the entity_id and now i’m back to the original error.

Thats the wrong entity id - its added by zwave to hold info.

You shjould have an entity that is switch.something - try using that instead.

Also, please format (as per the large blue box at the top, wrap them using </>) posts correctly - it makes it much easier to read and allows people to identify issues caused by incorrect formatting.

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thanks aimc there was an entity for switch.ge_12727_inwall_smart_switch_toggle, i didnt realize there were multiple entires for the switch. i saw the zwave one and figured(incorectly) that was the one.

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