Updated hassio from .61, now shows home assistant loading animation but says cannot connect and asks for password

if I access home assistant in my network locally home assistant loads fine.

When accessing through duckdns it loads the home assistant loading screen with the animation, then asks for the password but also shows text that says unable to connect. The password is correct, I can type it or copy paste.

I don’t understand why the update would have done this.
Anyone know how to fix it?

Same here, can’t figure out what’s going on. It didn’t happen for quite a while after the update for me.

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I tried removing the password from the http in config and home assistant still wants a password when using duckdns, along with displaying the “unable to connect message”

Home Assistant is running and try to load the frontend. Probably, there are some in the configuration need to be revised.

You have to check the breaking change of Home Assistant. May be one of your devices need to be change.

Any luck on this issue? The same happened to me. Noticed that while trying to access the frontend, there was a system_log write notification. Connected via SSH to hassio and ran “hassio ha logs”, everything green except one line, a red one, that said something about a JSON error.

Here is the error I’m getting when I run hassio ha logs via ssh

Error decoding json invalid character ‘\x1b’ looking for beginning of value

Everything else looks good in the logs except this first line.

Why would it load locally though? But always wants a password via duck DNS?

I’ve uninstalled all add-ons and reinstalled duckdns, still the same.

There’s no breaking changes I can see for anything I use. Config is valid. Nothing I’ve done seems to help.

The issue is caused by the frontend, also specified in the All changes regarding the release:
“Bump frontend to 20180228.1 (@balloob - #12786) (frontend docs)”. The funny thing is that it runs perfectly in the background, i can still switch on/off lights via Google Assistant. Updated to 0.65.4, the problem is still there.

do you have the “javascript_latest” line under the “frontend:” in your configuration.yaml file?

Don’t know if this’ll help, but occasionally a change in the front end breaks things if your browser cached the page. Just for luck, try clearing your browser cache. Or try an incognito window to ensure you’re not getting cached data.

Thanks, but already tried, the log has the following error:
[frontend.js.latest.201802211] https://hassio.local:8123/frontend_latest/core-5e3297f18a82d726277a1e31fe5dd57f.js:1:5748 SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 29124 of the JSON data

I believe it was dns. I installed pihole several weeks back and changed the DNS in my router for it. I selected the default option for my DNS in my router which is Google’s dns. Now it works. Could anyone explain how to fix it so I can use pihole again?

Apologies if this is a thread hijack but I’m getting exactly the same error.

I’m running HASSIO 0.65.6 on a Pi 3 with DuckDNS. It won’t respond on the duckDNS url but I can access it locally over the network and all my sensors and automations are working as expected.

I made no changes to any configuration and it just started out of the blue.

If I ssh into the pi and run hassio homeassistant logs it starts Error decoding json invalid character '\x1b' looking for beginning of value:.

Any suggestions?

UPDATE: Sorry I just noticed the comment about DNS above. Turns out that my pi had acquired itself a new IP address at some point. I assigned it’s previous address as a static IP to it on my router and everything is working again.

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