Updated to hass.io 0.60 and can't access any more

I updated to hass.io 0.6 this morning using the update button, I left it for about half an hour then came back and refreshed my page but got a connection refused error.

I had confgurator open too so tried refreshing that too and it loaded fine.

I tried power cycling and still no joy.

I’m running on a PI 3 over cat5, with it booting from USB using a WD pidrive (no SD I’ve set the USB boot bit on my PI).

Any ideas how I can get back up and running?

Many thanks


My guess would be that there’s a breaking change applicable to your setup and your config is no longer valid for 0.60

Can you get in by ssh and access the logs?

Just tried, can’t ssh either :frowning:

I can get in to my logs with samba, this is all it says:

2017-12-24 13:24:55 ERROR (SyncWorker_0) [homeassistant.util.yaml] mapping values are not allowed here
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 53, column 13
2017-12-24 13:24:55 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Error loading /config/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
in “/config/configuration.yaml”, line 53, column 13

Can you see the configuration.yaml via samba?

If so what’s on lines 52 and 53?

# History graphs
  name: basement humidity
   - sensor.downstairs_thermostat_humidity
  hours_to_show: 240
  refresh: 60

Line 53 is “entities:”

Needs an extra space before the hyphen on the line below :+1:

Ahh good spot :+1:

Is there a way I can remotely reload the config file, I’m away from home now?

Unlikely if you can’t ssh.

Looking at that code snippet again some of the other spacings look a bit off too, but it might be how it’s rendering on my phone (and my eyes!), so worst case scenario just comment out that whole bit and then double check the spaces.

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You’ll also need to double space indent the other lines as @anon43302295 suspected:

    name: basement humidity
      - sensor.downstairs_thermostat_humidity
    hours_to_show: 240
    refresh: 60
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Great thanks back up and running :slight_smile:

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