Updates when three way switch is used?

I have Homeseer switches

1 x https://www.amazon.com/HomeSeer-HS-WS100-Z-Wave-Scene-Capable-Switch/dp/B01DFSAAJ4
2 x https://www.amazon.com/HomeSeer-HS-WA100-Companion-HS-WS100-HS-WD100/dp/B01DFSOTSM/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_60_lp_t_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=5EMX8VYMJWPC8T7J5AZR

And when I turn the lights on with the companion switch the interface (or log) doesn’t show any activity. If I use the actual switch it works. Is there something I’m doing wrong? This works in openhab.