I have 6 input_number entities as input_number.temp_1
through to temp_6
set up as sliders to adjust 6 individual temperature points during the day.
I would like a button set up to increment ( and in time decrement) the temperature of all of the sliders by a small value instead of adjusting each one.
So far I have the button set up to adjust the first one
friendly_name: 'Ramp up'
icon_template: mdi:thermometer-plus
value_template: "{{ false }}"
service: input_number.set_value
entity_id: input_number.temp_1
value: "{{ (states('input_number.temp_1') | float ) + 0.1 }}"
turn_off: []
But I’m trying to find out how to increase all the input_number entities in one go by a small value. I thought of putting the input_number entities into a group and iterate through them but cant find anything in the community forum that is close to what I want to do.
From what I can gather, I need to create a ‘for loop’ with a variable to iterate and update through the input_number list.
Im not even sure if this can be done in a data_template
or would I need to create a python script and call that from the button?