Updating Energi prices to helpers

I am trying to create some automation for energy saving. My idea is to create an automation to charge my car in the cheapest hours.

My idea is to create 3 helpers that are updated daily with the cheapest, second cheapest and third cheapest price the next 12 hours. And the program the car to charge in these hours.

But I run in to problems with this and I hope that there might be some one in here that see the issue.

the source for the prices are an integration with the following output:

  • hour: ‘2023-09-26T00:00:00+02:00’
    price: 2.35
  • hour: ‘2023-09-26T01:00:00+02:00’
  • hour: ‘2023-09-27T00:00:00+02:00’
    price: 2.27
  • hour: ‘2023-09-27T01:00:00+02:00’
    price: 2.237

The helpers that I want to update are:

Since it has to get information from two attributs it seem that an Automation could not do the trick. So I tried to create a Python-script to do the trick. But it simply doesn’t update the helper. I dont know much about Python, so I hope that some of you guys see an error in my script?

# Calculate and set the three cheapest hours between now and tomorrow at 06:00

# Get the current hour
now_hour = datetime.now().hour

# Extract the price data
today_prices = hass.states.get("sensor.elpriser_inkl_afgifter").attributes["raw_today"]
tomorrow_prices = hass.states.get("sensor.elpriser_inkl_afgifter").attributes["raw_tomorrow"]

# Combine today and tomorrow's prices
combined_prices = today_prices + tomorrow_prices

# Debug: Log the combined price data
logger.log("Combined Price Data:")
for entry in combined_prices:
    logger.log(f"Hour: {entry['hour']}, Price: {entry['price']}")

# Filter the prices for hours between now and tomorrow at 06:00
filtered_prices = [entry for entry in combined_prices if int(entry["hour"][11:13]) >= now_hour]

# Debug: Log the filtered price data
/config/logger.log("Filtered Price Data:")
for entry in filtered_prices:
    /config/logger.log(f"Hour: {entry['hour']}, Price: {entry['price']}")

# Sort the filtered prices by price
sorted_prices = sorted(filtered_prices, key=lambda x: x["price"])

# Debug: Log the sorted price data
/config/logger.log("Sorted Price Data:")
for entry in sorted_prices:
    /config/logger.log(f"Hour: {entry['hour']}, Price: {entry['price']}")

# Get the three cheapest hours
cheapest_hours = [entry["hour"] for entry in sorted_prices[:3]]

# Debug: Log the three cheapest hours
/config/logger.log("Three Cheapest Hours:")
for hour in cheapest_hours:

# Set the input_datetime helpers
hass.services.call("input_datetime", "set_datetime", {
    "entity_id": "input_datetime.cheapest_hour_1",
    "time": cheapest_hours[0],
hass.services.call("input_datetime", "set_datetime", {
    "entity_id": "input_datetime.cheapest_hour_2",
    "time": cheapest_hours[1],
hass.services.call("input_datetime", "set_datetime", {
    "entity_id": "input_datetime.cheapest_hour_3",
    "time": cheapest_hours[2],