(I played a little with mosquitto versions so therefore separate named versions).
My issue is that I keep having the old version from March as it says in config/info and no matter what I do I cannot upgrade it!
Any ideas how to force, which magic commands to put or maybe just to find out what really version is being used? Couldn’t tell by this SHA of images. But I guess I still miss the latest features of last half year
I had it on stable and changed to latest but didn’t help.
I am afraid that the second point about more instances shall be checked…
If I run docker-compose ps in separate directories I get different outputs depending on compose file in that dir. How can I make sure that the thing I see in the browser is the container based image I just downloaded?
Also, when I do ‘htop’ on my ubuntu I see bunch of python home assitants so it’s hard to tell if there’s any “old” one that I see in web browser instead of the one I try to update.
Can it be that after I update the image and container, still HA has to update itself by doing some kind of migrations? Maybe after this my build from March it cannot be updated to much newer just like that?
It’s ubuntu’s version of docker in latest/stable version of 20.10.24 managed by snap.
If I type docker-compose -v I learn that’s 1.29.2 but I don’t know why so old I remember only than when first time building this server (around beginning of 2023) I learned that in ubuntu is the “hyphen” version command so docker-compose
I finally fixed it by uninstalling Snap version of docker and installing classical apt stuff by some guidelines found in web.
The rootcause was that I had both of “versions” of Docker which obviously leads to confusing. One was always run (the apt one) and it ran the real HA I was using.
The other instance - by Snap - was the one that I was keep updating
Between those two I decided to go with Apt because with Snap there was some confusing with home directory that contained my configuration and I couldnt backup the old one.