Updating hass.io on Intel NUC- using hass.io update feature - downgrades to "normal" Home Assistant - really?

Just did a complete re-install of my Intel NUC a few days ago…
Previously, I had hass.io running in Docker, installed using the script provided on https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2017/11/29/hassio-virtual-machine/ (curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-build/master/install/hassio_install | bash -s) - worked absolutely fine…

Used the exact same script to get a clean install of hass.io - and got hass.io 0.75.0 as expected - things worked fine.

Then, in the hass.io tab, the update to 0.76.0 was announced and I pressed update…
And now I have Home Assistant 0.76.0 instead!?!

Might be I wasn’t awake - but did it say so anywhere?
Tried to find info about breaking changes that would cause hass.io to “downgrade” to “ordinary” Home Assistant, but didn’t succeed…

Is this expected behaviour (because if it is, there’s no point in re-installing)…

So, not downgrading to “ordinary” Home Assisstant - but a bug with the hass.io-tab:

Disabling “Discovery” in configuration.yaml --> Hass.io-tab disappears
Re-enabling “Discovery” --> Hass.io-tab re-appears…

Supposed to be like that?