I have an automation to track the historical maximum value of an entity, but it’s not working somehow, I can’t figure out the mistake I’m making, maybe someone can see it. I suspect the comparison trigger is failing, it never triggers somehow, but I do not see what’s wrong.
And if there’s a simpler way to do this, I’m all ears.
alias: Monitor Maximum Power consumption
description: ""
- platform: numeric_state
- sensor.smartmeterreader_current_power
above: input_number.max_current_ever
condition: []
- service: number.set_value
entity_id: input_number.max_current_ever
value: >-
{% set current_value = states('sensor.your_sensor_name') | float %} {%
set max_value = states('input_number.maximum_sensor_value') | float %}
{{ [current_value, max_value] | max }}
mode: single
and this is input_number.max_current_ever:
initial: 0
editable: true
min: 0
max: 100000
step: 1
mode: slider
unit_of_measurement: W
icon: mdi:home-lightning-bolt
friendly_name: Max Current ever
Should be input_number.set_value, and the template in the action references “your_sensor_name” and “maximum_sensor_value” — have you just copy/pasted those from someone else’s code?
Here’s my very similar automation:
- alias: Energy - max power recorder
description: Updates the maximum power recorder whenever prior maximum is exceeded
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.power_meter_house
above: input_number.max_power
- service: input_number.set_value
entity_id: input_number.max_power
value: "{{ states('sensor.power_meter_house')|float(0) }}"
You don’t need the detail in the action template: if you’ve got there, the sensor is higher than the input_number.
oops, I pasted the wrong code in here, sorry. But I did have the error with the wrong service in HA though, good catch, thanks. But it does not help, it still does trigger at all, there is nothing under “traces”.
I simplified the automation for troubleshooting purposes and attempting to simply set the number to 10. But even that is not happening:
but I see under developer > states, that the value of input_number.max_current_ever is 0 while the value of sensor.smartmeterreader_current_power is oscillating above 200, so how could it not trigger?..
I feel like I’m missing something obvious. As if sensor.smartmeterreader_current_power and input_number.max_current_ever cannot be compared.
A numeric_state trigger will only fire when the value crosses the threshold. If the input_number is set to 0 that will never happen. Set it manually to somewhere in the middle of the range of numbers that the smart meter is sending and it should start to work.
I kept the below code for the data because my sensor is very chatty and I am worred the value will change while the automation is executing, resulting is the input_number.max_current_ever being overwritten with a lower value.
{% set current_value = states('sensor.your_sensor_name') | float %}
{% set max_value = states('input_number.maximum_sensor_value') | float %}
{{ [current_value, max_value] | max }}
Gosh, I keep doing this. I copied from the top of the thread.
This time I copied from my HA, it should be correct:
alias: Monitor Maximum Power consumption
description: ""
- platform: numeric_state
- sensor.smartmeterreader_current_power
above: input_number.max_current_ever
condition: []
- service: input_number.set_value
metadata: {}
value: >-
{% set current_value = states('sensor.smartmeterreader_current_power') |
float %} {% set max_value = states('input_number.max_current_ever') |
float %} {{ [current_value, max_value] | max }}
entity_id: input_number.max_current_ever
mode: single
I set initial value of input_number.max_current_ever slightly above the current consumption, not too high but rather a value I knew would be soon crossed, and so far it works.