Updating to HassOS 3.10 stop Rpi3?

Just clicked on the update button for HassOS 3.10 results to shutdown my Rpi3. Have to unplug and replug it. Is this normal or something wrong in my config? Or reboot not supported with USB disk? Thanks.

i did a remote upgrade this morning (I am at work) and my system has not come back up again… Running an intel nuc build… will see what is up when I get home…

if the system is down maybe you will not be able to enter into the house :wink:

guess I’m off to the pub then :wink:

I seem to have lost all my tasmota switches and tasmota bridge since this update.

17:41:01 MQT: Connect failed to, rc -2. Retry in 10 sec
The network is fine with no other network changes today

I can login to hassio on my pi4. I am going to try and recover full snapshot from 2 days ago to see what happens.
Edit: more specifically after recovering the snapshot, I now have the following mqtt error:
20-02-10 16:54:39 ERROR (MainThread) [hassio.services.modules.mqtt] It is already a MQTT in use from core_mosquitto
Not sure what this, but will continue digging.