Updating values in Overview

Hello, I am really beginner with home assistant and I cannot solve one think about updating values in “Overview”.
I made speedtest sensor (configuration.yaml) with update every 15 minutes

  server_id: 9567
    minutes: 15

I made binary ping sensor (configuration.yaml) with update every 1 minute.

  - platform: ping
    count: 2
    scan_interval: 60
    name: Ping Router

But i dont understand why is in overview update time much longer.

Can you please explain to me what i did wrong?
Thank you!

the “1 hour ago” state is not the last ping, it’s the last time the status was changed.

Ok, but how likely it is that two consecutive internet speed measurements are the same.

well not that likely, yet it’s not impossible…
Keep an eye on it
Also try to check when it was last updated in the Dev Tools > Template:
