Upgrade core to 2022.2.2 fails

Hi all,

Im running home assistant on raspberry pi 4, 8gb. Home assistant OS 7.2
When updating core 2021.12.10 → 2022.2.2 afterwards de webgui is not reachable anymore and doesn’t work. Command line is still active. Also the home asistant observer, same ip, port 4357 is reachable. Core logs attached.

What to do? What cause the problem and how to fix. I am quite new to this debugging.
Resotore backups to 2021.12.10 does fix the HA. However when updating again it is broken. Also do a clean install and all updates, afterwards restore the backup does the HA cause not working anymore.

The error i get when approaching the webui on port 8123 and the HA specific IP (as per command line visible)

#site not reachable

Deze site is niet bereikbaar

192.168.1.xx heeft de verbinding geweigerd.
192.168.1.xx has refused connection.


Apart from a clean install, what are the options to do?

thank you very much.!


Same issue here. Since update.
First time my HA was inaccessible ever!
I had to physically shut down Pi (Pi4 8gb), and it rebooted. Now accessible again.
This update seems to have caused me more hassle than ever!
I think this issues has to do with the new upnp integration.
See: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/65337#issuecomment-1029969441
But I’m not sure about anything anymore!

Hi All,
my upgrade installed properly, anyhow my Gosund Sp111 integration is not longer supported.
The Konfiguration check also statetes many time (many devices):

Invalid config for [light.mqtt]: [value_template] is an invalid option for [light.mqtt]. Check: light.mqtt->value_template. (See ?, line ?).
Invalid config for [light.mqtt]: [value_template] is an invalid option for [light.mqtt]. Check: light.mqtt->value_template. (See ?, line ?).
Invalid config for [light.mqtt]: [value_template] is an invalid option for [light.mqtt]. Check: light.mqtt->value_template. (See ?, line ?).

Example (lights.yaml) :

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Stehlampe”
    state_topic: “Gosund/SP111/stat/Stehlampe/RESULT”
    value_template: “{{ value_json.POWER }}”
    command_topic: “Gosund/SP111/cmnd/Stehlampe/POWER”
    qos: 1
    payload_on: “ON”
    payload_off: “OFF”
    retain: false
    optimistic : false

While this works within switch.yaml for the same Hardware:

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Mini Stereoanlage”
    state_topic: “Gosund/SP111/stat/No06/RESULT”
    value_template: “{{ value_json.POWER }}”
    command_topic: “Gosund/SP111/cmnd/No06/POWER”
    qos: 1
    payload_on: “ON”
    payload_off: “OFF”
    retain: false
    optimistic : false

Hence, the existing and running configuraitons are touched by the upgrade.
It might that this causes your problems, while my system still starts ?

Regards Michael

PS: If somebody would guide me how to put my Gosund SP111 (Tasmota) better into the righ yaml, you would be more than welcome. THX

I’m having the same problem with shelly and sonoff switches flashed with Tasmota!!

use the Tasmota integration no yaml setup needed.

Dear xHirscHx

Thank you for your guidance.
I read the nints but found …" (tasmota-lite.bin does not support this integration)."…
We run the light on more than 10 Gosund SP111 devices.
Will try again if the device accept full version now (memory…).

Not to you but in gerneral:
This was working proper for years now, why is it changed and why could I not find a hint in the release notes at all (only Zwave Lights are found in release note)?

I try to upgrad my Tasmota accordingly and try to find the right integraton.

THX Again for the perspective and your support
Would spend a coffee if I get it poper to work.

mqtt breaking changes


The MQTT lights no longer support, the previously deprecated, value_template;state_value_template should be used instead.

(@emontnemery - #62682) (mqtt docs)

Dear xHirscHx

Thank you so much, the integration is much better and easier.
You helped me a lot, may I spend you a coffee ?

Respect for your patiencen with me.

Best regards Michael

Thank you this also fixed my problem!!

Got the same problem, with a RPI 4 8GB, but when doing the upgrade to 2022.2.3.
Would not start. No errors in logs (that I could find).