Upgrade from 0.70.1 to 0.77.3 - front end will not load

Help! Running Hass.io on an Raspberry Pi 3B, still using ResinOS. I tried to update as my title says (in preparation for moving to HassOS), and it was okay until after I created my new username and password - then I lost my front end. I just see the logo and “Loading data…”

I updated my Custom UI files to the 8-31 version, and fixed the only thing that should have been a breaking change (moon sensor). Restarted, no front end. I tried removing all Custom UI, restarted, still no front end. I deleted my database file. Restart, no change. I’ve CTRL-F5’d over and over. I’m using Chrome on WIndows.

My log shows this:

2018-09-03 16:07:31 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http] legacy_api_password support has been enabled. If you don't require it, remove the 'api_password' from your http config.
2018-09-03 16:07:46 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of config is taking over 10 seconds.
2018-09-03 16:07:56 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.ban] Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from

That last IP address is the PC I’m using to access HA.

I don’t know what to do next…please help!

At the log in page click on “Legacy API Password” this will change the login to only requiring the local home assistant password stored in your configuration.yaml file (secerets.yaml) and has let me end after the last update.

Bob Brand

I have no log in page anymore. I just have the page with the HA logo and Loading… and I can’t get anything else.

me too. If you’re using Chrome, try another browser.

Clear your browser’s “Local Storage” and try again.

This is making me crazy. I gave up on the ResinOS card and flashed a new card with HassOS, just going to start from scratch. I still have the same thing happening in Chrome, but I can see the front end in Safari on my phone. I’ve cleared the cache with ctrl F5, cleared the local storage with the developer tools in Chrome, and it still won’t load the front end. It won’t load at all using Edge. Aaarrggghhhhhhh! How do I get this to work?

edited to add: I don’t know what I did differently, just tried to clear EVERYTHING again, and it’s working!! I have multiple entries in my log like this:

2018-09-03 23:24:21 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.ban] Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from

That IP is my PC which I’m using to access the Pi with Putty and Samba (both of which work). I don’t know what these mean…

That is interesting…

There are some tips for debugging

  1. Turn on http and websocket_api debug log
  default: info
    homeassistant.components.http: debug
    homeassistant.components.websocket_api: debug
  1. open developer tools to monitor networks tab, see if any request take long time

You can tag me at discord #homeassisant channel, I can help you to look at it.

Thanks so much for your offer of help - it is much appreciated. It seems to have stopped happening, but if I run into trouble I’ll let you know.


Believe I’ve got the same problem, here’s the debug logs. Running on Hassbian on RP3
Was able to create a user, have tried different browsers with the same problem.
2018-09-04 01:09:33 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 1571238480: Connection closed by client
2018-09-04 01:09:33 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 1571238480: Closed connection
2018-09-04 01:10:30 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=sun.sun, old_state=<state sun.sun=below_horizon; next_noon=2018-09-04T11:59:13+00:00, next_dawn=2018-09-04T05:35:01+00:00, next_rising=2018-09-04T05:55:51+00:00, next_setting=2018-09-04T18:02:34+00:00, next_midnight=2018-09-04T23:58:44+00:00, azimuth=67.17, next_dusk=2018-09-04T18:23:24+00:00, elevation=-71.04, friendly_name=Sun @ 2018-09-04T01:09:28.744090+00:00>, new_state=<state sun.sun=below_horizon; next_noon=2018-09-04T11:59:13+00:00, next_dawn=2018-09-04T05:35:01+00:00, next_rising=2018-09-04T05:55:51+00:00, next_setting=2018-09-04T18:02:34+00:00, next_midnight=2018-09-04T23:58:44+00:00, azimuth=67.46, next_dusk=2018-09-04T18:23:24+00:00, elevation=-70.8, friendly_name=Sun @ 2018-09-04T01:09:28.744090+00:00>>
2018-09-04 01:10:54 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving / to (auth: False)
2018-09-04 01:10:54 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /api/websocket to (auth: False)
2018-09-04 01:10:54 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 1835109520: Connected
2018-09-04 01:10:54 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 1835109520: Request auth
2018-09-04 01:10:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /auth/token to (auth: False)
2018-09-04 01:10:55 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.ban] Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from
2018-09-04 01:10:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: domain=persistent_notification, service_data=notification_id=http-login, title=Login attempt failed, message=Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from, service=create>
2018-09-04 01:10:55 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]>
2018-09-04 01:10:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 1835109520: Connection closed by client
2018-09-04 01:10:55 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 1835109520: Closed connection
2018-09-04 01:10:58 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /api/websocket to (auth: False)
2018-09-04 01:10:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 1846661584: Connected
2018-09-04 01:10:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 1846661584: Request auth
2018-09-04 01:10:58 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.view] Serving /auth/token to (auth: False)
2018-09-04 01:10:58 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.ban] Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from
2018-09-04 01:10:58 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: domain=persistent_notification, service_data=notification_id=http-login, title=Login attempt failed, message=Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from, service=create>
2018-09-04 01:10:58 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]>
2018-09-04 01:10:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 1846661584: Connection closed by client
2018-09-04 01:10:58 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.websocket_api] WS 1846661584: Closed connection

I just had a break through!
Reloaded the login page as follows:

Which allowed me to then enter the username/password back in.
HA dashboard then loaded.
The link to reload the page in my instance was:

And bingo HA dashboard loaded. I’m up and running.
Would appear if somehow the incorrect login details are entered, you end up with a spinning wheel on the page to recover you need to reload the login page.

Got the same issue here, no frontend on hassio, i tried using api pass methid , still stays on the same page, doesnt load anything.

FIXED, thanks @cogneato

I had to remove the below from config


  • type: homeassistant
  • type: legacy_api_password

I can get in with no problems at home using hassio:8123 and even localip:8123, but whenever I use the external IP which is set up to port forward, the authenticate page loads but it just has a “Start over” button which just reloads the page when I click it. No username/password boxes come up at al.