Upgrade from 2024.9.3 to 2024.10.1/.2 fails

I’m running home assistant core on an Ubuntu box. Everything working fine and running 2024.9.3. Running:

pip install homeassistant --upgrade

and restarting HA, I get a 404: not found error.

I downgrade back to 2024.9.3 and all is well. Anyone else seeing this problem?

Search the forum for uv and core update fail. There are several mentions about problems with the new uv dependency. Logs should also always provide hints a out what is wrong.



See the release notes for the change why uv is now used. It is used to update dependencies for integrations way faster than pip could.

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Oooh… Read the release notes???. I’m an engineer doncha know!!!

I’ll take a look. Thanks.

Congrats on your 2jr forum anniversary :cake: :slight_smile:

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LOL. So it is!! Thanks.

That’s what the cake behind your name today is for :slight_smile:

If anyone else comes across this post, this fixed it for me (after deleting sym links to python3.10 in /home/homeassistant/bin !!)